Page 100 of To Have and to Hold


The cry tore through the room and the door jarred against the wall. My veins froze into the ice of alarm. Spence rocketed from his seat, a protective hand on my shoulder, but it wasn’t the Skull descending, the macabre dance of his mask spiraling closer. Once my heartbeat moved away from my temples, I realized who the person was.

“Dave,” I said.

He shouldered Spence out of the way.

“Thank God. Oh, Christ.” Dave held my shoulders. “Can I touch you? Can I hug you? You’re so pale.”

I nodded against my pillow. “Yes. Gently! Really gently, Dave,” I said as his hands dug underneath my shoulder blades.

“You’re okay. I can’t even express…” He kissed the top of my head, then laid his lips flat on mine. Unintentionally, I stiffened. “Your parents are right behind me. We’re all here.” He pulled me into an embrace as he sat on the edge of my bed. “You’re safe now, honey. We got you out of there.”

He rocked me back and forth and I rested my chin on his shoulder. My free arm wove around his back. While Dave exhaled his relief, my heart pointed out the loss before my brain reminded me what I was doing. Spence had gallantly stepped aside to give my fiancé and me a chance for privacy, and yet it wasn’t Dave’s comfort I craved. I scanned the room.

Spence was gone.

Pushing past the hollow, hungry ache, I lifted my fingers, brushing assurances against the nape of Dave’s neck.