I chuckled as I drained the last of my beer. Thoren pitched me another and cracked the top of his own as he leaned against the deck rail.
“This has been a good day. Thanks for doing this, man.” He tipped his beer up for a long chug.
“It has been fun. I’m glad Skippy went along with it.” Aside from the call with her mom, she’d been smiling and happy all day, and that made me happy.
He fingered the little twinkle lights she’d strung. “You like having her here, don’t you?”
“Who likes having who?” Mike stepped up beside Thoren.
I couldn’t stop the dopey grin that stretched over my face if I wanted to. “I like having Jordan here.”
Mike pointed a finger at me with his beer hand. “That’s what being in love gets you. That stupid shit-eating smile.”
Thoren frowned at his beer and looked out over the yard. He’d been in an odd mood all day. And he’d had a lot to drink, more than normal. Something was up with him. I’d need to check in with him later.
And then Mike’s words registered, wiping the smile off my face. I ducked my head so they wouldn’t see the heat creeping up my neck.
“I don’t know what it’s called, if it’s got a name, or if it’s just a feeling. I just know I like her being here. I like spending time with her. She makes the world a brighter place just by being in it.” I swallowed thickly. “She makes me want to be a better man.”
Thoren pushed away from the rail, started to speak, and paused. He looked down, studying his feet for a second. After a beat, he looked at me with haunted eyes. “I’m happy for you, man. I’m gonna go see if that other cooler needs more ice.” He stalked off, chucking his empty beer can in the trash, and reached for the cooler, dragging out two more. Passing right by the cooler he said he’d check, he strode down the stairs and back around the corner of the house.
“What’s up with him?” I asked Mike.
“He’s been acting off since the whole Bunny thing happened.” Mike said.
“What did happen with Bunny? He won’t talk about it.”
Mike shrugged. “Not my story to tell, man. I just know it’s not pretty. So anyway, you told Jordan how you feel about her yet?”
I shook my head. “Nah, dude. But I’m getting there.”
“Well, don’t be a chicken shit and assume she knows.” With a tip of his beer, he left me to go drape his arm across Leah’s shoulder.
A pair of arms wrapped around me from behind.
“Hi, stranger.” Jordan’s voice held a smile. I spun to face her, running my hand along her arm. She leaned in close, tilting her head back as our chests brushed.
Her hair was a wild mess around her head, her cheeks the slightest bit pink from the day in the sun, her full lips begging to be kissed. I watched my thumb as I traced it over her lower lip, along her cheek to her jaw, then met her eyes.
“Hello, beautiful.” I leaned in and brushed my lips to hers.
“What was that for?” she said on a sigh.
“Because I wanted to.”
“Will you do it again?”
I leaned close and brushed my nose along hers, giving her another soft kiss. “I will always give you kisses.”
She sighed happily and snuggled close, laying her head on my chest. I closed my eyes and pressed my cheek to the top of her head. Something sweet filled my chest. There was no other place in the world I would rather be.
I ran my hands down her back, and felt her fingers slip into the back pocket of my jeans. I’d never been a snuggler before Jordan, but I didn’t mind it one bit.
“This is nice,” she whispered.
I pressed a kiss to her hair. “It is.”
She turned her head, her tongue tracing up my neck, and gave my butt a squeeze. “As much as I love having everyone here, I can’t wait to get you alone.”