In that moment, I felt so close to him. Watching the way our bodies moved together, completed each other.
“That’s it, baby, let me hear you,” he coaxed, watching us move together again. “I want to see you touch yourself the way you did all those times you teased me on the phone.”
I lowered my hand, sliding it between us to grip him as he pulled out of me.
“Oh fuck, Jordan” he cried, slamming back into me. I slipped my slick fingers over my clit as he pounded into me.
“Baby, next time, I promise, I’ll go slow and tell you all the ways that I love you. But right now, I need to fuck you hard.” Nate’s voice was a low growl as he slammed his mouth to mine. Our tongues danced, teeth nipped and the pressure at my core built. He shifted once, hitting me in exactly the right spot, and began moving in a punishing rhythm that left me gasping. My orgasm shimmered just out of reach.
He trailed his tongue down my throat, his hips pounding into mine. I reached up, raking a hand down his chest, and he went wild, thrusting into me, rocking the van I was pressed against. He clamped his teeth down on my neck and I cried out as my orgasm exploded over me.
Burying himself in me, he pumped hard twice, gasping his release.
He dropped his forehead to mine, trailing gentle kisses across my nose and cheeks before taking my lips. As he pulled out and released my legs, he wrapped his arms around my back, deepening the kiss.
Finally, he pulled away. My lips latched onto his to keep him close, pulling on his lower lip until it released with an audible pop.
He smiled at me as he let me go. The words he’d spoken played on repeat in my mind.
I’ll go slow and tell you all the ways that I love you.
I grinned sheepishly at him as he stooped to gather up our discarded clothes. “Hand me my shirt, please, slick.” I said, intentionally using the stupid nickname I’d given him so long ago.
A naughty twinkle lit his eyes. “I don’t think I want to.”
No way. He seriously was not about to leave me naked in his yard. Even though we’d just had wild sex in the wide open, running across his yard felt like too much.
“Nate, I can’t run naked across your yard.”
He grinned at me while he fastened his pants. “No one’s going to see you.”
I propped my hands on my hips and said sternly, “Nate, give me a shirt at least.”
“You’ll have to catch me,” he teased, taking off at a sprint across the yard to the house, leaving me to chase behind him in my bra.
“You’re so going to get it for this!” I yelled.
“I can’t wait!”
Chapter 24
I finished stringing the last of the twinkle lights across the yard and stepped down off the ladder to admire my work. Nate was going to love this, and making him happy, taking care of him, made me happy.
After his big idiot move and subsequent apology, I’d tried my best to get things back to normal between us, and he was making a bigger effort to keep me in the loop on what was happening with him as well. If the way he consistently sent me text messages and randomly called me throughout the day was any indication, I was constantly on his mind.
And we were happy.
It was the day of his big party. We had plans to go catch the parade, and then everyone was coming back to his place for a cookout.
Nate had burgers marinating, and I’d made two huge salads—one pasta and one cucumber. Everyone else was bringing their signature dish. Tables were set up in the yard, coolers were packed.
The excitement of hosting a party with Nate had me up at the crack of dawn, and I’d done a bunch of decorating before he’d gotten home from his shift and had been waiting on him by the time he’d gotten home. I jumped him in the hallway, starting our day off right. Really, every day should begin with sex. Nate laughed when I declared that a rule and agreed with me that it was the best way to start the day.
We were walking hand in hand to the fire station, where we’d watch the annual parade, when my mother called.
“Hey, Mom,” I answered hesitantly, a trickle of guilt making me grimace. It had been forever since my mom had called me. Usually, I was the one keeping up the communication.