“Good. Take five. You and Thoren will be on the next crew in.” Collins slapped me on the back and walked away.
I scanned the yard to find Thoren rehabbing at the ambulance, double fisting water bottles.
I walked over to him and grabbed another ice-cold water, slugging it back as fast as I could gulp it down.
“That’s one hot mother right there,” Thoren said, with a nod toward the fire.
“Yeah, no way that one got this hot without some accelerant.”
“How’s the kid?” he asked.
“Lucky. He was curled up in a little ball in the corner. Just waiting to burn up. How the fuck did he pass rookie school if he’s that scared?” I shook my head in disgust. “Who was his partner?”
“Cal. But Cal wouldn’t leave the guy. I don’t know what happened, how they got separated. I’m sure we will hear all about it.”
“Nate! Thoren!” Mike shouted from the other side of the road, where PD was huddled in a group, keeping onlookers at bay.
“What are you doing here? Isn’t it a little early for you to be here?” Thoren asked, finishing the second bottle of water.
Mike hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans. “Heard someone was down over the radio. I came to find out what in the hell is going on. Otherwise, yeah, I might as well be here from the start.”
“The new guy got himself trapped in a corner. But as far as I know, everyone else is out of the building,” Thoren replied, just as a loud crack sounded from the structure. The radio squawked with traffic for the crew inside to retreat.
Mike watched with his hands on his hips while Thoren tossed his empty bottle to the trash bag. “Won’t be surprised if that roof collapses soon the way this bitch is burning.”
The words had no sooner left his mouth when there was a terrible crashing sound and the roof lit up, the back side falling into the building as sparks shot high in the sky.
Fuck, that was a close call. We could’ve been in there.
Mike whistled low. “Glad y’all made it out first.”
“I was just thinking the same thing.” I said, a shudder running down my spine.
“I better call Leah and let her know I laid eyes on you two.” He looked over at me. “She’s with Jordan.”
I nodded. “Thanks, man. I felt bad leaving her at the station.”
“I’m on it. Thoren, do I need to call Bunny?”
Thoren scowled at Mike. “Fuck no. I don’t owe her anything.”
My head snapped around. First off, Thoren was normally the upbeat optimistic guy, and was never disrespectful, especially to women. For him to call her out meant something major had happened.
Mike threw his hands up. “Sorry, man. I’m guessing that means it’s over with her?”
“You could say that,” Thoren growled, turning his back on us and heading back to the captain.
We cleaned up the scene, and finally, on the way back to the station, I broke the no-cell-while-driving rule and gave Jordan a quick call.
She answered on the first ring.
“Nate?” Her voice quivered like she might have been crying.
“Hey, Skippy. I’m headed back to the station. I’m sorry I had to run out like that. Did you stay and have dinner?” Just the mention of food reminded me that I hadn’t eaten before this clusterfuck call. My stomach clenched with hunger.
“Nate,” she whispered, her voice breaking.
I pulled the truck into the station, and the guys jumped down. I stayed put so I could have a private moment with her because she sounded upset.