“Well, that depends.” I cocked my head to the side. I was pretty sure that Leah was the kind of person who didn’t ask things lightly. If you were in her life, she wanted you there.
“I enjoyed keeping up with you on your trip. But I found myself wishing that we could meet and just have girl time.”
I found myself grinning at her, loving the idea of having girlfriends to hang with and maybe talk over all these feelings I’d been ignoring about Nate. Plus, maybe she could help me understand how she dealt with Mike’s job. “Aw, well, I’m glad you invited me. I need some girlfriends.”
“So, the ulterior motive was, I wanted to ask how things are going with Nate. Y’all seemed pretty hot and heavy when he dragged you out of the bar the other night.”
A cup of iced coffee dropped onto the table. The chair to my left clattered across the wood floor, and Kylie plunked herself down. Her wild red and blonde streaked hair stood out from her head in charming disarray, and matched her equally funky outfit of red tank top and flowing yellow skirt.
“Yes, girl. We really just wanted to make him let you up for air.” She gave me a wink, then leaned over to peck Leah on the cheek.
My cheeks burned at the thought that all our friends witnessed Nate and I having our reunion.
“Don’t worry, we didn’t let anyone follow you out.” Leah graced me with one of her beautiful smiles.
“So…spill.” Kylie demanded, eyes gleaming. “That Nate is a mystery. But damn girl. He is so hot. Did y’all get it on in Pearl?”
I laughed nervously. Was I about to spill my guts to these two? This was a new thing for me, having friends to share everything with. Moving around so much as a child had meant that relationships never really stuck. By the time I got to high school and college I was so focused on just getting out and getting done, I never stopped to make lasting friendships. I’d missed out on a lot by not making the effort. I’d not make that mistake again.
“We ended up going back to his place, it was a little crowded in the parking lot. We were…interrupted.” My blush extended from my throat to my hairline. I ducked my head, avoiding their gazes as I studied the bagel in front of me. It was embarrassing laying out the intimate details, but I’d vowed to try harder at the friendship thing. So, I pushed through my embarrassment, since they’d made it clear they were in my corner, supporting me.
“We went back to his house, and…” I told my bagel, pausing to clear my throat again. “Well. We took our friendship to the next level. Multiple times.”
Kylie slapped her palm down on the table. “I knew it. And from the blush on your face, it was good too. No man with abs like his can be bad in bed. It’s illegal.”
Leah chuckled softly, shaking her head at Kylie. Relief flooded me for whatever silly reason I couldn’t define. I only knew that there was a kindred connection with these ladies, and I was enjoying it.
“Kylie, settle down. Go easy on her, she’s not used to your outspokenness yet.”
I smiled gratefully at Leah and shifted my attention to Kylie, letting the grin turn sly. “He does have an eight-pack.”
“You lucky bitch.” Kylie said in awe and winked at me, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
I watched her while she chatted with Leah. Kylie was such a pretty woman, almost intimidatingly so. But under that beautiful package, she seemed…lost. Like her eyes held a forced light, like she was bright and bubbly for show, but deep down there was a darkness.
Conversation turned back to the topic of me and Nate, and I hedged as much as I could until Kylie blurted, “Jordan, you have to give us something. Don’t break the girlfriend code.”
“Things with Nate are…” I wiggled my eyebrows at them.
Kylie shot me a deadpan look, transferred it to Leah, then back to me.
“What? Athletic? Awe-inspiring?” Kylie arched a brow, while Leah cracked up laughing. Kylie’s eyes went wide, and she gasped in horror, laying a hand on my arm. “Oh, girl. Is he bad in bed?”
I laughed at her antics. “No! I was going to say things are good. But you won’t let me leave it at that. So just, know that I’m happy? Is that enough for you without details?”
Kylie and Leah both grinned, and Leah placed her hand on my arm. “That’s perfect. I’m so happy that he’s with someone who will appreciate him.”
A throat cleared behind her and I looked up to see Bunny and a stunning blonde standing at the table next to us, as if they were considering sitting there. I hadn’t seen her since I’d been back, but I hadn’t thought much about her, because I didn’t feel like she treated Thoren very well.
“Oh great,” Kylie muttered. I wasn’t sure what her deal with Bunny was, but obviously she didn’t want them to join us.
“Hi, Bunny and Mary Catherine,” Leah’s voice was courteous, but not as open as she’d been with me. Seemed we all had our reservations with Bunny.
“Hi, y’all. Mary Catherine and I were just coming from the calendar committee meeting,” Bunny said with false brightness.
This must be the woman who’d been calling and texting Nate all the time about doing the fundraiser calendar. Though, I hadn’t noticed him receiving any messages from her since I’d been back.
Leah’s eyes tightened at the corners at the mention of the calendar. “Mike mentioned that meeting was today. Did they come to a decision?”