My heart melted to a puddle at his feet. How could I have ever thought he would be anything but wonderful? I knew him. He knew me. “I’m sorry I got nervous.”
He kissed me again. “Don’t be. Hell, if I’m honest, I’m nervous too.” He wrapped his arms around me, snugging me up to his chest, and I felt so cherished with that simple movement.
“Really?” I whispered to his shirt.
“Of course I am. What if you get weird and start making farm animal sounds or something in the middle of it?”
I slapped his chest. “Oh my God, you turd.”
“What if you have like some funky body hair, or a third nipple? Not that it would be a problem if you did, just give me a heads up so I’m not surprised.”
I laughed at his stupid jokes.
His shoulders shook with mirth. “Seriously, warn a guy, okay?”
“You’re a jerk. I’m not talking to you,” I said, trying hard to stop laughing.
He clutched my hands, entwining my fingers, leaning back to look at me.
“Seriously, Jordan. I’m just happy you’re here. I missed you so much. Whatever happens between us…I’m just glad you’re back.”
I smiled at him then, all nervousness gone. This was my sweet Nate. I’d lost half my heart to him before, and I was in serious danger of losing it all to him now.
“So, what’s really got you nervous?” he asked.
I opened my mouth to tell him I was fine, but instead all my insecurities poured out. “What if you think I’m bad at it? Or you don’t like the way I look?”
His hand brushed over my hair, tucking an errant tendril behind my ear. “So, you’re saying you really do have a third nipple?”
My forehead hit his chest and I busted out laughing. “No, I’m saying that I’m scared I won’t be the perfect woman you have imagined. The last man I was intimate with cheated on me, and now I feel like something is wrong with me, even though he was the one that cheated.”
He lifted my chin with a thumb, planting a soft kiss on my nose.
“Sweetheart, you are everything to me. You make every day brighter just by being in it. If we have sex or not, you are still more important to me than you’ll ever know. Sex between us will be amazing. And I do want us to take that step. But having you in my life is what matters most,” he said intently.
“Being able to hold you.” His arms tightened, snuggling me closer. “Being able to kiss you.” He kissed my forehead. “Being able to talk to you, and laugh with you, and share an evening with you.” He moved his lips to mine, and laid a long, lingering kiss there. “Those are the things that matter most to me right now. The rest can wait.”
I cupped his cheek and kissed him back, pressing my body against his, tears gathering in my eyes.
“He was a fool,” Nate whispered, “and if I could take away that hurt from you, I would. But you have to know, I think you’re beautiful inside. The gorgeous package you’re wrapped in is a bonus.”
How could I have doubted this connection between us? I’d felt it from the start. Nate saw to the heart of me, taking this next step and opening myself up to losing my heart to him was as natural as breathing. I’d run across the country, and he remained under my skin the whole time. He was my person.
I kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and going up on tiptoe to get even closer.
Nate hugged me close as our mouths worked to discover each other.
His arms slid down my back then he bent and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his hips, burying my hands in his hair. He tasted so good, the feel of his mouth, the glide of his tongue, making me want more. His body was hard against mine, and yet, he was so soft and gentle with me.
With my dress hitched up, the cool night air hit my naked bits, setting me on fire. I needed more. I needed him to make love to me.
I broke the kiss and panted, “Nate, I want you.”
He pushed away from the fence and carried me back to the house, pausing at the door to let me slide down the length of his body. He was all hard muscle and strength, and he was mine.
Once inside, he crowded in, forcing my back to the door. I practically purred as he bent his head, hot breath skimming from my shoulder to my ear, rekindling my desire. He reached behind me and clicked the lock on the door. Something about that simple act of him making sure we were tucked in safe demolished any reservations I still held.
Fisting his shirt, I pulled him to me, sliding my other hand up under his shirt, finally touching his skin the way I’d been dreaming of for so long.