I could spend the rest of my life kissing this woman and die a happy man.
A cat-call whistle broke the spell. “Get a room!”
“Damn, what a kiss!”
Shouts carried over the roar of blood pumping through my veins. I pulled back to look into her eyes. Her lips were plump and wet, her tongue peeped out, licking a spot of moisture. Heavy lidded eyes gazed at me from her dazed expression.
She should always have that look on her face.
I dipped low to whisper in her ear, nipping her lobe with my teeth while I was there. “Best surprise ever.”
I stood, grinning at her, sliding my hand to cup her neck so I could swipe my thumb across her jaw.
A seductive smile spread over her face as she backed away from me, clasping my hand and tugging me toward the table. I grabbed my beer and positioned myself directly behind her chair so I could block the view of her back from the rest of the men in the bar. My position did double duty to hide the erection I was sporting.
Dinner talk carried us for a while, then the DJ set up and couples started moving to the dance floor. I dropped my hands to Jordan’s shoulders, my thumb caressing a knot at the base of her neck. She moaned and tipped her head to the side, giving me better access. After a minute, she twisted in her chair, her eyes locking with mine.
“You ready to go?” I asked, ready to get her home and show her all the ways I’d missed her.
She glanced at the dance floor. “I was hoping we might dance before we get out of here.”
I needed to get her home and spend all night discovering her body. Instead, I stepped back and offered my hand, wrapping my fingers around her delicate hand when she placed it in mine. We joined the other couples swaying to a slow country song.
I spun Jordan out, then pulled her back to me, using the dance to my advantage, stealing touches every chance I could. Relishing the way she leaned into my chest with her arms looped around my shoulders.
“Pretty sure I haven’t stopped smiling all night.” I leaned in to press a kiss to her cute nose, happy that she was here, and that I could kiss her all I wanted.
“I’m glad Mike could persuade you to come down here. Otherwise, I was going to just show up at your door and waste my cute outfit.” The light from the disco ball overhead bathed her in a warm glow.
“You do look beautiful. I should have told you that the moment I saw you.” I was an ass for not complimenting her sooner. She should be reminded every day that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
I splayed my palm between her shoulder blades, my other, I dug in at her hip, pulling her hips closer to mine. She grinned up at me as I spun us around in a circle, enjoying the way our legs and hips brushed as we moved in time to the song. I glanced down to where the fabric of her dress draped over her breasts, teasing at what lay beneath.
“I do like this dress.”
“Thanks, Kylie let me borrow it. I hid at her house today when I got in so I could get ready. I was so nervous until you walked through that door.” Her thumb brushed the nape of my neck.
“Why were you nervous, sweetheart? We’re on the same page here, aren’t we?” I shot her a lascivious grin. “We have been having some rather graphic phone calls lately.”
An adorable blush stole over her features. She bit down on her bottom lip, the v between her brows puckering. “I don’t know why I was nervous. And maybe nervous isn’t the right word. Maybe…excited is a better term.” Her eyes glittered, her entire face lit with excitement.
I knew that feeling. I’d been over the moon thinking I would see her in a week. “So, where is Pearl? I didn’t see her when I pulled in.”
“She’s around back. Kylie hadn’t planned on coming tonight, so I had to drive on the off chance that you didn’t show, and I needed to hunt you down.”
“You’re telling me there is a bed right outside?” I teased.
She grinned at me. “That’s what I’m telling you.”
I broke my hold and lunged toward the exit. Jordan laughed and tugged my hand back.
“Not until I finish my dance. I’ve never danced with you, and I’m kind of liking it. I didn’t know you could move so well.”
“Sweetheart, there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me…yet.” I drifted a hand up her ribcage to brush my thumb under her breast. “But you’ll learn some of those things tonight.”
She sucked in a sharp breath, her nipples puckered under the thin material.
I slid my hand down her back pressing her closer. “You’ll learn how much those dirty little phone calls have been driving me crazy.” I brushed my nose along the curve of her neck, breathing in her sweet scent. “You’ll learn what it feels like to have my mouth and my tongue on you.” I nipped kisses along her jaw. “I’ll learn what it feels like to slide deep inside of you. Fuck, Jordan, I’ve been waking up hard every day to dreams of you.”