Nate: So how are things? You OK?
The phone in my hand grew blurry. I missed him. Missed our time fixing up Pearl. Missed watching ball games with him. Missed the towel popping fights, sharing dinner, hearing about his shift over coffee. He’d been so reluctant to tell me at first, then the longer I lived with him, it became so natural for him to just start telling me about the calls he ran. I liked to think it was his way of decompressing from particularly rough calls. Was he talking to anyone now about the things he saw on his job? A wave of jealousy washed over me. I wanted to be the one he shared his day with.
Nate: Hello?
Nate: Answer me
And he would. I had no doubt.
Me: I’m here, crazy pants. Settle down and quit shouting at me. I’m fine. Sitting here pondering where to go next.
Nate: What are your options?
Me: Options are endless. I was just going to hit the road and see where it leads.
Nate: I recommend having a plan doofus.
Me: LOL, I’m kidding. I’m leaning toward North Carolina and doing this hike that my camp neighbor was telling me about. Sounds like it might be fun. He said it was a good workout, but the view was worth it.
Nate: Camp Neighbor? Who is this guy? You didn’t give him personal info, did you? Are you traveling together now? Dammit, Skippy! I told you to look out for yourself.
Nate: Skippy. You are not going on a trip with some rando.
Nate: Dammit. I never should have let you leave.
Nate: I’m coming to get you. Taking up with a stranger. SMH
I cracked up, laughing at him blowing up my phone, and patrons at the next table turned to stare at me. I offered them a smile and waggled my phone at them.
Me: Cool your jets, you psycho. Roger is 70, married to Betsy, has a cute dog that loves to snuggle.
Me: I’m fine.
Me: Besides, you were a stranger when you moved me into your house. That turned out ok.
Nate: That’s different.
Me: Ok, whatever.
A bubble with three dots popped up and then disappeared. I waited for a few moments.
Nate: I’m worried about you Jordan. Be careful.
This was serious Nate. Serious Nate was sweet and kind and caring. And I missed him even more than I missed Fun Nate.
Me: I’m fine. Really. How about you? Are you doing okay? Enjoying the quiet with me gone?
I was fishing, I knew it. But something in me needed to know that our friendship mattered to him.
Nate: It’s too quiet sometimes. Which is weird to admit.
Me: I get it. It’s too quiet in Pearl sometimes, too.
Nate: No problems?