Page 28 of Burn Point

“And you’re going to take all of that and invest it in a van?” I asked, trying to avoid staring at her long legs.

“Well, yeah.”

“What about having a car to get around in?”

“I’m not going to get some huge thing, Nate. I want a reasonable-sized one, something that I can go anywhere, live anywhere, and be comfortable.”

Unease rolled through me. I didn’t like this one bit. What if the van broke down somewhere? What if some crazy person followed her and attacked her? It wasn’t safe for her to be solo on the road like that.

“I don’t like it.”


“I just don’t. It’s too dangerous.”

She gave me a saucy grin, dropping her feet to the ground, sitting straighter in her chair. “Well, it’s happening whether you help me or not.” She tossed a wadded-up napkin at me. “Lighten up. It’s going to be fine.”

That didn’t do a damn thing to make my insides unclench. “Jordan. You are an attractive woman.”

“Thank you.” She preened, placing her hands on her knees, arching her back.

“I’m not done,” I continued, and she dropped the pose, slumping back in the chair. “You are an attractive woman. It’s not safe for you to be traveling alone.” I needed her to take this seriously.

Jordan stared at me for a moment like I was crazy before her brows knit together. “Are you serious right now?”

“Hell yes, I’m serious.” How did she not realize she was putting herself in danger? She’d already come close to dying once in that damn tornado.

“That is the most offensive thing I’ve ever heard.” Her eyes flashed, but her voice was cool and controlled.

“I called you attractive. How is that offensive?” Was she mad at me? Her calm and collected demeanor was in direct contrast to her icy tone. But it didn’t matter if I’d pissed her off, her safety was my priority. Nothing could happen to her.

“You’re assuming that just because I am a woman, that I can’t take care of myself. That I shouldn’t travel alone.”

That icy tone could’ve frozen anyone, but the idea of something happening to her made my guts churn. “Because it’s not safe.”

“Is it any different for a man?” Her blue eyes flashed.

“Yes, a man isn’t going to mess around with me like he would you.” I pushed away from my chair and stood, gripping the deck rail. Was she so naive that she didn’t realize that being alone made her a target for sick fucks? A long tense moment passed between us while all manner of bad things flashed through my mind.

“Nate, look at me.”

I couldn’t refuse her anything, but it didn’t mean I had to like it. I swiveled my head and pinned her with narrowed eyes.

“Nate, I am a grown woman, capable of making my own decisions. I can travel by myself like a big girl. I will take precautions and be aware of my surroundings. It may surprise you, but I’ve been on my own for a while. And while I’ve had men in my life, I did travel, often solo, until I settled down with Gerry.”

She’d mentioned Gerry before, but not in much detail.

“Gerry had the same outdated viewpoint that you do. And I let him convince me I was weak and that I couldn’t do the things I wanted to do unless he was with me. I refuse to live like that again.”

I studied her for a moment. Golden curls caught back in a ponytail, wearing her favorite shorts and tank top, showcasing all her curves.

“Besides,” she went on, “you’re one to judge. You run into burning buildings for a living. What’s safe about that? Traveling is not nearly as risky as what you do every day.”

She was right, of course, and I was being an idiot.

There was no real reason for her not to do this project and set out on her own. Hell, what was I going to do? Ask her to stay here? She’d been looking for a place to rent, but with space at a premium, property owners had jacked the prices sky high.

I swallowed thickly, realizing that I was being unreasonable. It wasn’t that I didn’t want her to travel solo, so much as I just didn’t want her to leave, period.