On the other hand, I really didn’t want to go back inside that shelter. It was meant to be a compassionate service to the community, but I didn’t feel safe, and the thought of not sleeping for another night was excruciating.
More than anything, I didn’t want to be a burden.
Nate sat quietly while I pondered. Finally, I sat up straight in my seat, and swallowed my pride. “I would appreciate, very much, if you wouldn’t mind letting me use your spare bedroom.”
I couldn’t look directly at him, but the warmth of his smile was a brush of sunshine washing over me.
I held up a finger, halting his jubilance. “But only if we agree to some terms.”
Silence fell between us, and finally curiosity got the better of me, so I glanced at him.
He was watching with that adorable half grin on his face. “Okay, Skippy, what are your terms?”
“Seemed to fit.” The corner of his lips tipped up higher.
I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.” I flipped a finger out to count my points. “First, this happens for a limited amount of time. Just until I figure out my next steps.”
“Sure. I agree to that. What else?”
Second finger. “I’ll carry my share of the chores.”
“You can gladly have kitchen and bathroom duties.”
“Third.” I held up three fingers. “This only happens if your girlfriend is okay with it.”
A little crease formed between his brows. “I don’t have a girlfriend, and I’m not married, but okay, Skippy.” He was back to smirking. “If that’s what you want, sure. I’m just trying to help you in your time of need. I believe that what comes around goes around. We’ll be like roommates or something. What else?”
I swallowed and laid out my last term. “I’m not, under any circumstances, sleeping with you.”
The frown was back. “Of course not. I mean yeah, I think you’re pretty, but that’s not what any of this is about anyway. Why would you even think that? Have I been rude to you or given you that idea at all?”
He sounded way more offended than I thought the situation called for, but it was best to be upfront about all expectations.
But dang, he didn’t have to be quite so defensive about it, did he? And how big a fool did it make me, being disappointed he’d friend-zoned me so fast my head was spinning. Especially when I’d friend-zoned him first.
My head swam with confusing thoughts.
What level of crazy was I hitting? I didn’t want a man, and only needed this one because he had a spare room and I needed a full night’s rest. I was both relieved and upset that he’d offered me a place to stay and called me beautiful and friend-zoned me in the course of one conversation.
A friend was exactly what I needed. Even if the vain part of me was tickled to know he found me attractive. I was a mess of contradicting emotions.
And now, he was waiting on a response from me. “You’ve been a perfect gentleman, my own personal hero. I would appreciate it if I could bum your spare room.”
“Good, so it’s settled.” He clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “I accept your terms. Temporary lodging offered to a down-and-out friend.”
And with that, he straightened in his seat and slipped the truck into gear, grinning at the front window. “Let’s get you home, Skippy.”
As I watched the church disappear behind us, I wondered if I had just made a serious mistake. This man was lethal to my resolve to be relationship free, because he was utterly adorable with his nicknames and grins.
I’d just have to remember that we were only roommates, and not read anything more into it.
Chapter 4
“No, I don’t know when we will be able to reschedule the calendar shoot, Mary Catherine.” I stood in the bay door of the firehouse, trying to find patience for this ridiculous phone call. “First off, I don’t handle that, I just show up when I’m told. Second, we are working around the clock right now with tornado recovery. That’s where the priority is.”