It took a lot of self-awareness for Breya to not gawk at the king when they entered. He was lounging lazily on his throne while discussing something with his attendants.

King Thorne was strikingly handsome, but then, of course, he was. He was a king and a shifter. His large muscular body seemed taut though he was as laid back as one could be.

Golden and royal blue threads colored his own dinner attire. His golden hair was loose and matched not only the gold on his dinner jacket but the dress he had given Breya as well.

When he noticed they had entered, he straightened and asked everyone to leave them.

“Including you,” the king said, nodding toward Sarielle.

Before she had time to think, everyone was gone, leaving only her and the king. Alone.

There was silence between them. She was afraid to meet his piercing gray-blue eyes. Yet, she couldn’t shake the feeling that those eyes were examining every inch of her.

She couldn’t take it anymore and glanced up.

King Thorne was looking over her very closely. Finally, he spoke.

“You look absolutely divine in that dress. It compliments your body perfectly.” He smiled as he spoke, his eyes never leaving Breya’s form.

She could feel herself growing flush.

“Thank you, sire.” She did a small curtsey, not sure how to properly address him yet.

“Your beauty is unmatched.” He stood with a step toward her.

Breya felt frozen in place. He walked around her as if sizing up his meal. Even without her knowledge or supernatural senses, this man screamed lion.

When he finished looking her over, he must have decided he liked what he saw. His smile was smug yet sexy as he stroked his golden-stubbled face.

“Yes, I think you’ll make a fine mate indeed.”

That wasn’t what Breya was expecting to hear. Now, she was even more confused than when the men showed up at her sister’s door.

“Um, sorry. But what do you mean by mate? A partner in your kingdom as your healer?” Breya wasn’t familiar with shifters or their terms. But mate sounded like a partner, right?

“Oh, no. I didn’t bring you to be my healer. I said mate, as in the person I am to be with. You just so happen to be my fated mate. That’s why I brought you here. So we could be together.”

From all that had happened so far, Breya thought she wouldn’t be surprised anymore. She was wrong. Now, being confused had become so natural she wasn’t sure if she was actually growing comfortable or just immune to these life-changing things that the shifters seemed to be so casual about.

“Whoa, that’s not what I signed up for.” Breya took a step back from the prowling king.

“Then why did you come?”

“Because of what I said. I assumed you needed a healer.”

“Did the dress not give it away?” he asked smugly.

Breya felt embarrassed for not seeing this. But then again, why would she? This was all new to her.

He chuckled, bringing Breya back from the verge of tearing up with embarrassment and anger.

“Besides, there will be no time for that when you take on all the duties of Queen.”


“The biggest one being your duty to please the king.” He winked at her.

Repulsion made her stomach churn. His personality had overpowered his god-like physique, and she was disgusted.