“Don’t worry too much about it. You have us, and fate works in random ways. Just put out there what you want, and it’ll answer when it thinks you’re truly ready.”
“Easy for you to say,” Breya huffed, but she couldn’t help but feel a little lighter at her sister’s words.
“Honey,” Anya’s husband called out, “Someone in a quite fancy carriage has stopped in front of the house. Please invite them in for ale and bread.”
Anya rose from her chair.
“I’ll go with you. I need a refill. Maybe even get some strong ale instead of lemon water.”
“That’s the spirit,” Anya teased as she helped Breya out of the chair.
In the quaint kitchen, Breya heard her sister greet whoever was at the door. Her ears perked at not one but two male voices.
“Good afternoon, madam. We are looking for a Miss Breya Kaydalle.”
She glanced around the corner and saw two well-dressed men standing very formally at the door.
“And who is asking for her?”
“We work for King Bawold of the Savanna Kingdom, and he requests an audience with her.”
Breya’s gut flipped at the king’s name. She knew he was the lion shifter king who ruled only a few territories over. But why had he sent men looking for her?
She was debating if she should come out of her eavesdropping spot but held fast when her protective sister asked another question.
“How did you know where we live?”
The taller of the two answered. “We started at her cottage, found it empty, then checked with some town folk and they sent us here. I assume you are her sister?”
Anya was very protective of her family, so Breya knew where this was going. Before her sister had a chance to tell the men where assuming would get them, Breya stepped out from around the corner.
“Can I help you?”
“Are you Breya Kaydalle?”
“I am,” she answered, standing beside her sister.
“The king requests an audience with you. Please come with us.” They turned to leave as if that was all that needed to be said.
“What does he want to see me about?”
“The king wishes to inform you of that himself.”
Breya hesitated at the door. “Can I have a moment with my sister?”
Looking annoyed, the men obliged and stepped off the porch to wait.
“Do you know anything about this?” Anya asked, casting a nervous glance at the men.
Breya shook her head. “I assume he needs a healer. It’s common for witches to work for royalty. I just don’t see why he didn’t choose one closer to his territory.”
Anya narrowed her eyes in examination of Breya.
“Do you want to go?”
Breya shrugged and tugged her hair out of the half bun she had put it in earlier. “I don’t know. I do, but if I go then what happens to all the villagers here that I’m supposed to be helping?”
“Isn’t this a momentous occasion to be asked by a king to come serve his people?”