And infuriating.

They ate within the affluent part of town in a breezy private booth that overlooked the dismal desert flatlands. There was a fountain next to them, streaming softly and misting them gently. Breya felt like she could finally get a grip on what she was feeling without the distraction of the meddling heat.

“Can we talk for a moment? Privately?”

“Yes, yes. Of course, my sweet,” Thorne said.

Vale was nearby and within earshot, whereas the other enforcers were standing on the main floor near the entrance. Their private section was cordoned off with no one but the fountain keeping them company.

“Check on the men downstairs,” Thorne said.

Vale nodded loyally and disappeared down the steps and out of sight.

Thorne turned back to her with what could only be described as puppy-dog eyes. They were sheen and smooth, the light blue eclipsing the silver for the first time since she'd known him. She felt a pang of guilt about what she was about to say next, but the voice of her sister encouraged her.

Say what you feel. That is vital to any relationship.

“I want to go back to the castle now," she said, trying to be blunt. “There’s been a lot going on the last few days, and I think I need some time alone.”

His forehead creased and his body went rigid. Breya braced herself for his disappointment.

“I was going to go out to the fissure site and look it over with the team. I thought you might want to accompany me since you were the one who healed it."

Breya shook her head adamantly. She had to get out what was rolling around in her head before he could sway her in any other direction. Her affection for him was very real. But sometimes her empathy traveled too far in one direction or the other.

Balance was also a key.

“I appreciate the offer, but I would rather not. I’m just so tired."

The king leaned on his fist like a statue, pondering. The majority of his hair had been still during their various visits, but Breya was starting to notice a few stragglers drooping around his forehead. It gave him an angelic quality that made her heart bounce in her chest. She wanted to brush the tendril from his face as if that would push his bemusement away. It was frustratingly confusing to be so drawn to this man, yet infuriated by him all at once.

Not man, shifter, she corrected.

“I understand,” he said curtly. “Vale and my men will take you back while I visit the site. Do you want to take the necklace back with you?”

There was a tiny twitch in his eye when he mentioned the necklace. Breya didn't pick up any malice, but there certainly was a slight jab embedded within its speech.

“I can give it to Vale. He will keep it safe," she responded.

Thorne called his lead enforcer in and instructed them to take her home.

“Would you like a carriage sent for you?" the brute asked the king.

“No, I will find my way back after checking out the fissure. Thank you, Vale."

When they parted, she gave him a faint kiss on the cheek. His silvery stare would not meet hers.

Breya knew a man’s dented ego when she saw it.

“I enjoyed learning about everything,” she said passively.

"I'm glad," he said, smiling thinly. “Vale is waiting for you out front."

She left him at the booth and trailed down the steps. She felt a flinching quiver of guilt and mentally doubled down on her conviction. He couldn't buy her affection like that, no matter how expensive and rare a necklace it was.

Breya emerged into the scalding heat, the sun flaming overhead. She pulled on her moved toward the open carriage door.

“Miss Breya!"