Page 50 of State of Grace

“What do you mean?”

“Lex is everyone’s biggest warrior. She will spend hours telling you how wonderful you are and how the woman that broke your heart was a bitch, and you’ll find someone else, but she doesn’t believe it for herself. No matter how many times you try to convince her.”

“I take it you’ve tried?”

“For years,” Mason said dramatically. “She’s stubborn and won’t listen. Michelle fucked her up, and then a bunch of shit happened, and well,” she held her hands out to either side, “here we are.”

“Why does everyone keep saying it like that?”

“Like what?”

“You, Mom, and Alexis have all been super vague on whatever happened with and after Michelle.” Leaning onto the glass tabletop, Blake narrowed her eyes at Mason. She wanted to know more about Alexis’s past but was afraid to ask. There had to be a reason everyone talked about it the way they did.

“All you need to know is that Lex has been through hell and back, and she’s who she is today because of it.” Picking up her pen, Mason went back to work on whatever she was doing. Blake settled back into her seat as she contemplated what Mason had said. “Oh, and if you want to stay on her good side…”

“I do.”

“…then be sure to tell her you are Team Captain America when she asks.”

“But I’m Team Iron Man.”

Mason inhaled sharply. “That’ll be a deal-breaker for her.”

Blake playfully flipped her arm as Mason suppressed a laugh.

“Knock, knock.” Alexis tapped on the window of the back door before opening it. She sheepishly smiled at them as she waved. “Are we interrupting anything? Isla told us we could come over and see the puppies.”

“No, you’re fine.” Pushing her chair back from the table, Mason patted her lap and Harper ran over to her. It was surprising to see that miss not-a-fan-of-human-babies was perfect with Harper. The pair looked beyond comfortable around each other, which was a clear signal that they were used to each other. That knowledge set heavy on her stomach. It was weird to think of her sister being friends with the woman Blake had fallen for. Blake winked at Alexis, and it made her blush. “I can watch Harper if you two want to hang out or anything.”

“Oh, well, I, um…” Alexis hesitated as she twirled the ends of her hair around her finger. She looked at Blake for help, but Blake was already picturing them walking hand in hand along the lake on the farm. Returning the puppy to the basket, Blake stood.

“Do you want to go for a walk?’

“Um, sure.” She shook her head then nodded. “Yes. I mean, yes. I’d love to.”

“And they say I can’t communicate well.” Mason’s sarcastic comment resulted in a flip of the ear from Alexis. She dramatically recoiled as Harper laughed. “Geeze, Lex, warn a girl first.”

“That takes the fun out of it.” Leaning down, Alexis kissed the top of Mason’s head, eliciting an eye roll from Mason. Alexis took hold of Blake’s hand as they walked out the backdoor and into the warm summer sun. She was more dressed up than the typical jeans and a T-shirt Blake had gotten used to seeing her in. It made Blake self-conscious of the cropped shorts and tank top she was wearing.

“You look gorgeous, Lex.”

“Thank you.” She blushed and dropped her eyes to the ground. Twirling her hair around her finger once more, she looked Blake up and down before landing on her eyes. “This is a new look on you.”

“Well, I wasn’t expecting company, or I would have dressed up.”

“No, I like it.” Stopping her walk, Alexis turned to face Blake directly. There was a large tree off the worn path, and Blake led her over to it. Blake pressed her up against it gently as their lips met softly. She savored the sweet taste of Alexis’s lip balm and the way her hands slowly ran up her bare arms. Her touch left a trail of goosebumps on Alexis’s arms, and she shivered under the touch. “You cold?”

“No, just loving this.” She pulled Alexis toward her as Alexis wrapped her arms around her waist. They resumed their walk down the secluded path with Alexis’s head resting on her shoulder. Blake slipped an arm around her waist as she kissed her head. She loved the height difference between them more than she’d ever expected.

“I didn’t interrupt things with you and Mason, did I?”

“No, we were talking about the fact she doesn’t like babies.”

“Oh, please.” Alexis scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t listen to her. I basically had to pry Harper out of her arms when she was born. The only time Mason willingly gave her up was when she needed a diaper change, or I had to feed her.”

“I should have known by the way she lit up when Harper entered the room.”

“Harper has that effect on people.” Swinging their hands between them, Alexis tilted her head toward Blake as her eyes narrowed slightly. “Do you want kids?”