“No offense, but you don’t get it,” he says, pulling out of my grasp. “You don’t have siblings. You don’t know what it’s like to always be behind.”
“But you’re not behind. You’re just a bit younger. And doing something totally different, anyway.”
“It’s not about—” He stops, working his jaw. “It’s whatever. I’ll see you later.”
I resist the urge to reach out; something tells me he’s going to pull away again, and I don’t want to experience his rejection. I’ve never seen him like this, so defeated. It makes my heart hurt. “Cooper, wait. I’m sorry.”
He just shakes his head as he strides down the hallway to the locker room.
Chapter 39
November 23rd
You’re right
I don’t understand. But I am sorry
Not like it’s your fault
No, but you deserve better
What you’ve done so far this season is incredible. If he can’t see that, then that’s his loss
Thanks, Red
November 24th
Dad decided that we all needed to go to Dallas to see James’s Thanksgiving game
I can take Tangy. It’ll just be me and Dad and takeout
November 26th
Happy Thanksgiving, Callahan
How are things with Coach?
It’s fine. Aside from the fact he keeps asking about school
He doesn’t know how bad I suck at science
Bit ironic for the girl who just shoved Ice Planet Barbarians at me
Shhh it’s all a fantasy anyway
No math required
Plus, you finished Twilight. What was I supposed to do?