Page 49 of Breakaway

“Hey, Pen. Sex tape? Cheesy or cringe?”

She glances over. I wiggle it, but instead of laughing like she did with the fox tail butt plug, her expression shutters. “Put that down.”

“I think it’s cringe, but I guess if—”

“Put it down,” she says again, cutting me off.

“You okay?” I say as I set the tripod back on its display table.

She bites her lip. Her whole body looks stiff, like someone just gave her an electric shock. I’m not sure what the hell I did, but clearly it was something, because she’s wound tight. She holds up the pink box. “I’m going to get this.”


She shoulders past me, heading for the register.

I catch up in a hurry, pulling my wallet out. “I’ve got it.”

She looks up at me. “This is the expensive one.”

“Good.” I hand the credit card to the cashier, who glances at me with interest before scanning the bar code.

“You have excellent taste,” she says. “I wish I had a boyfriend to buy me fancy vibrators.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Penny says automatically. “He’s my...”

“Sexual educator,” I say as I put the oil on the counter too.

She rolls her eyes. “No.”

“What? It’s apt. I have more experience than you and I’m showing you the ropes. Like a teacher.”

She covers her face with her hand. “I can’t bring you anywhere.” She peeks at the cashier. “He almost said the same thing to his brother at lunch.”

“Wow,” the cashier says, glancing between the two of us. “That’s kind of freaky.”

“And now apparently I can’t shut up, because I’m telling you,” Penny adds. She glares at me. “Why do you make me so chatty?”

“I guess you’re just comfortable with me,” I say. I think it’s the truth, but unfortunately, that makes her wrinkle her nose. What about the tripod made her so jumpy? Did she ever try to film something? That doesn’t sound like her; she just admitted she’s never watched porn. She’s a freak in the sheets, sure, but she doesn’t strike me as the type to want people besides her partner to see her pleasure. This is supposed to be a fun day, though, so when I spot a little remote-controlled vibrator, I snag it from the shelf and slide it over to the cashier too. The least I can do is make it up to her by crossing another item off her list.

“Does this come charged?”

Chapter 27


The moment we’re on the train, Cooper leads the way to a car like the one we were in last time. There’s a look in his eyes that is making my stomach twist up pleasantly; I don’t know what he has planned, but it’s not another hour of talking. Thank God, because I don’t want to think about, much less discuss, what happened in the store with the tripod.

He kisses me as we sit down—on the same side this time—and puts his hand on my thigh, underneath my skirt. Past Penny knew what she was doing when she opted for the skirt and tights today.

“Callahan,” I murmur as he traces a nonsense pattern into the tights. “What are you doing?”

“What number is public sex?”

The blush practically erupts on my face. This is perfect; we’re not the only ones on the train, but it’s not so crowded that we’re likely to be interrupted. An edge of danger, but not enough risk to make me hesitate. “Semi-public. And six.”

“Skipping ahead a little,” he says as he kisses my neck. “Still need to fuck your ass sometime soon, sweetheart. But not here.” He digs his nails into my tights—and then rips them to get at my panties.

“Those were my good tights,” I protest, my voice fading as he rubs his knuckles over the front of my thong.