Page 39 of Breakaway

Chapter 21


When we get to Cooper’s place, it becomes apparent immediately that we made the right call by getting two pizzas. Izzy disappears upstairs with a couple slices of veggie and a glass of wine, muttering something about her English paper, and Cooper and Sebastian split the meat pizza in two. I nibble on a slice, watching them devour the food. Apparently, I’m hanging out with a pair of starved wild animals, not boys. We’re in a surprisingly modern kitchen; the gold-plated hardware on the cabinets feels like Izzy’s doing, since in the short time I’ve known her, I’ve gotten the sense that glamour is her middle name. It opens into an area big enough for the table we’re sitting at. The layout is like my dad’s house, only a couple blocks over, but work-related paraphernalia perpetually covers his kitchen table, whereas a vase of drooping flowers and a painted bong that, according to Sebastian, came with the house, decorate Cooper’s.

I know our plan includes doing homework first, and that we really should, but I can’t stop thinking about how much I’d like to slide into his lap and kiss him, pizza breath and all. We haven’t gotten any further down The List, despite hooking up right and left, but I’d like to get going on it. I’m not going to magically feel safe having vaginal sex again if I don’t try anything else first.

“I’m just saying,” Sebastian says as he sets down his now-empty beer; they’ve been chatting about football while I’ve been staring, “if they can get past Dallas, they’ll be golden.”

Cooper snorts. “You say that like it’s easy. They’re chasing the Cowboys and James knows it, however fast he’s been improving.” He grabs another slice of pizza, looking at me. “You watch football, Red?”

“Not really. My dad and I are diehard Lightning fans, though.”

He makes a face. “Not the Coyotes? I thought you were from Arizona.”

“Dad worked on the Lightning staff before focusing on college coaching.”

“Or maybe you just like those back-to-back Stanley Cups.”

“Maybe it’s that I like the players. Pat Maroon has a spectacular beard.”

Cooper’s mouth drops open. “And I don’t?”

I just smile, pretending to ponder it deeply as I tap my nail against my chin. “Let’s see. Do you root for the Islanders or Rangers? You’re from Long Island, it can’t be the Sabres.”

“Choose wisely, Red. Our next hookup depends upon it.”

“Oh yeah?” I lean over the table, getting close enough we could kiss, but stopping just before our lips brush. It’s fun to flirt when it means nothing; there’s no pressure when I know we’re just friends. It’s good practice in seduction, anyway. “What are you going to do?”

“Think about that list of yours,” he murmurs into my ear. I shiver at the feel of his warm breath on my skin. “Keep teasing and I’ll have to punish you. I can think of two things that would be suitable for slander.”

Sebastian clears his throat. “I’m right fucking here.”

Cooper pecks me on the mouth before leaning back. His eyes are dark, like he really would pull me over his lap and spank me here in the kitchen. I press my thighs together, trying and failing not to feel the swoop of desire low in my belly. He glances at his brother. “Sorry, Sebby. We’re engaging in some serious sex coaching here.”

“Because that’s such a smart idea,” Sebastian says dryly.

“Don’t worry, she already promised not to fall in love with me.”

I roll my eyes as I hit his shoulder. “As if.”

“Can’t imagine it, anyway.” Sebastian grabs another beer from the fridge. “Have fun, kids. Use protection.”

As he leaves, Cooper calls, “Be glad I’m like this instead of a raging bitch! I’ve been cured!”

“Did he call you that?”

“Pretty much.” He leans back in his chair, draping his arm over the back. “So, what’ll it be?”

“Islanders,” I say. “Isn’t Mat Barzal so dreamy?” I know it’s wrong; I noticed the Rangers sticker on his truck. But it’s too fun not to tease, especially when he drags me into his lap—and then over his shoulder, like he’s hauling a sack of flour.

“Cooper!” I shriek, kicking at him. He steadies me by palming my ass, then pinching it, making me squeal. His laughter rumbles in his chest as he carries me upstairs. I’m flushing for half a dozen reasons, but at the top of the list is the fact that both his siblings are home, and while I only saw Izzy for five seconds, Sebastian knows what we’re about to be up to. Cooper is clearly unrepentant, calling down to his brother to save him some pizza for later, and I think Sebastian yells something back, but I’m too distracted to listen.

He pushes one of the upstairs doors open, then flicks a light switch. I crane my neck around, wanting to see what his bedroom looks like, but instead of setting me on my feet like a normal person so I can check out the surroundings, he strides to the bed and throws me down. I bounce, laughing, as he joins me, and then we’re kissing, and maybe this ought to feel weird or awkward, but I don’t register a thing except that delicious tingle between my legs and the weight of Cooper’s body over mine.

Eventually, he pulls back. His eyes are dancing, and a smirk plays across his lips. “You noticed the sticker on my truck.”
