“We were opening our Christmas presents, asshole.”
“After a long-distance hookup, I’m sure.” He flops onto my bed, waving at Penny. “Hey, Pen. That jersey looks good on you.”
“It’s a sweater,” I mutter.
“Thanks,” she says, waving back. “Cooper thinks you cheated at Monopoly.”
He raises an eyebrow. “If anyone cheated, it was Bex.”
My mouth drops open. “No way.”
“James and Bex totally teamed up to sabotage us.”
“What? James doesn’t accept alliances when it comes to games.”
“She has him wrapped around her finger.” Sebastian shakes his head. “And now you. When Izzy gets a boyfriend, I’ll be toast.”
“Aw, someone will be able to stand looking at your ugly mug eventually.”
Seb flips me the bird, yawning again. “Jesus, I’m hungover. The second bottle of Bailey’s was a bad idea. Izzy’s still tuckered out on the couch.”
“She’ll perk up once the movie starts.” I stifle a yawn. I’m not all that hungover, but I could use a nap at some point. “I’ll be down in a few.”
“Sounds good. Merry Christmas, Penny.”
“Merry Christmas, Seb. Tell Izzy I said hi.”
When he’s gone, I turn back to my phone. “What have you got planned for the rest of the day? Want to watch Christmas Vacation with us? We can text each other reactions. I cry every time he’s in the attic watching the home movies and I’m not ashamed to admit it.”
Her smile widens. “That sounds perfect. Let me just grab some hot chocolate and see if Dad wants to watch it too.”
Chapter 44
On my way downstairs, I run into my father. It’s petty, but I’ve mostly ignored him over the break. He hasn’t tried to explain why he left the UMass game early—because he never came back after he took that call, Mom just said he had business to take care of—and I haven’t asked for one. I figured that after he acted like nothing had happened over Thanksgiving, I wasn’t about to get more answers at Christmas. I eye him warily as he claps his hand on my shoulder.
“There you are,” he says. “Come into my office for a few.”
“We’re about to watch a movie.”
“I know. This’ll only take a moment.”
I text Penny not to start the movie without me and follow Dad to his office. The room is a certain brand of oppressiveness; the football-related memorabilia, especially the locked case with the Super Bowl rings, dominates the space. I half expect him to sit down at his mahogany desk, but he remains standing, frowning as he looks at his bookcases. Even in tapered sweatpants and a sweater with a Christmas tree on the front, he looks formidable. I stand up straight and resist the urge to flee for the safety of the den, where I’m sure Izzy is complaining about being woken up from her nap and James is doing something adorable with Bex, like feeding her a sugar cookie in little nibbles. I’d rather that than this awkwardness.
He looks at me. “Feeling good about your grades?”
I just nod. It took a lot of all-nighters to finish my final essays, but I managed. Penny, not so much. I resist the urge to wince as I think about it. She finally talked to her dad about switching up what she’s studying, and at least the way she tells it, he’s supportive, but that doesn’t mean she feels good about failing half her classes.
“Good, good.” He rubs at his chin. “Has anything been going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“Not—the girlfriend,” he says. “Although I was surprised to hear about that from your sister.”
“Her name is Penny. You met her at the game. If you paid attention.”
“Yes, Cooper, I remember her,” he says dryly. “Ryder’s daughter, huh?”