Page 53 of Breakaway

“I’m not pretending.” I lean over the table, reaching out to take her hand in mine. She’s wearing a ring with a little moon and stars hammered into the metal; I wonder if she got it because it reminded her of her book. “I’m guessing they’re like, meant to be?”

“Basically. But he needs to mate a werewolf, so if she wants to be with him, she has to agree to be bitten.”

A grin spreads over my face. “Kinky.”

“Kind of,” she admits, her flush deepening. “It’s sexy, and really fun to write, even though I should be focused on school.”

“Can I read it?”

She jerks her hand away. “No one has but Mia. And it’s not like it’s done.”

I hold my hands up. “I don’t have to critique it or anything. Besides, I’m sure it’s awesome.”

She’s quiet for a moment, clearly considering it. “Maybe.”

“Good enough for me.”

She shakes her head slightly. “You’re so weird.”

“We’re equally weird.” I glance down at my book. I need to finish reading this and get started on my response paper, but instead, I flip to a blank page in my notebook and draw a hook. “Want to play hangman?”

“Really? Hangman?”

“You want to study even less than I do right now.” I write out spaces for the word I’m thinking of: verisimilitude. “Bet you can’t guess the word I have in mind.”

“Is it incorrigible?” she asks dryly.


“You sound entirely too pleased with yourself.”

“Because you’ll never guess it.”

She narrows her eyes; there’s a competitive glint in them now. She crosses her arms over her chest and leans over the table. “Give me a hint.”

“It’s long.”

She glances down at the paper. “A real one.”

“It’s a noun.”

“I hate you.”

I fill in the first letter and tap it with the pen. “There. If you win, I’ll buy you whatever you want from the vending machine. But if I win, you’re sending me your book.”

She sighs, sounding put-upon, but I can tell she’s game to play. She holds out her hand for me to shake. “Deal. Get ready to give me a candy feast, Callahan.”

“Not a chance, Red.”

Chapter 30


October 29th

Red Penny

It’s really cool that you’re buying Ryan’s equipment