Dad laughs shortly. “Of course. The rehab card. The money is for debts, Cooper. Gambling debt. Debt to his dealers. He doesn’t give a fuck about anything but getting what he needs.”
“Stop lying!”
“It’s not a lie,” says James. “He came to me first, last fall. He tried to get me to give him money. I guess when I refused, he moved on to you.”
“He knew you’d gain access to your trust fund this year,” says Dad. He doesn’t even sound angry anymore. Just exhausted. “And now that he has the money, he’s not coming back, not until he needs more.”
I shake my head. “No. He wouldn’t do that to me. Right, Uncle Blake?” He looks at me, but doesn’t say anything. I swallow; there’s a lump in my throat the size of a hockey puck. “You have the apartment, and the job—we’re going to a Rangers game soon—even if you’re off the wagon again, we can get you back on it. I’ll help.”
He rubs his hand over his jaw. “I’m sorry, kid.”
I don’t want it to be true. I’m desperate for everyone to be lying—everyone but him. Yet I see it in his eyes. He has what he wants, and he’s not coming back.
I laugh. It sounds tinny. A recording of laughter instead of an actual sound I just made. My hands are clammy, and when I try to clench and unclench my fists, I can’t quite manage the whole motion. The edges of this shitty little room look blurred. I take a step back and nearly stumble over a chair. There’s another door, not the one that goes into the ballroom, but somewhere else. I need to get to it. I need air before I stop fucking breathing.
I’m the biggest idiot in the world. Never Dad’s first choice. My uncle’s second choice of which nephew to swindle, apparently. Couldn’t even be first at that. Now that Penny has heard the whole goddamn mess, she’s going to run screaming in the other direction. I convinced myself that she loved me but just didn’t know how to say it yet, but the truth is, it was only a matter of time before she left.
After this? I don’t want her to be with me either. I’m a fool, and she can do better.
I pull open the door and run into the hallway. Someone calls after me, but I’m not sure who, and right now, I don’t care. My shoes squeak on the expensive floor as I run down the hallway, right into the fancy, delicately decorated lobby. I shove the door open before the doorman can get it for me and skid out onto the sidewalk. I start shivering immediately, but it feels good. Let me feel something other than pain, even if it’s nearly as unpleasant.
We’re right near Central Park. I run to the nearest entrance and hurry down one of the many paths. I’m not all that familiar with this park, but there’s an outdoor rink around here somewhere that should still be in season. We went last year, all of us, even Dad, who doesn’t like skating.
I know I’m in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world, but if I can just see a rink—a sliver of someone else’s happiness, set under the stars and a late winter moon—then maybe the world will stop spinning.
Chapter 64
Cooper is gone.
I run to the door and peer out into the hallway. I don’t see him, but he can’t have gotten far. I swallow down the curse I want to shout. My heart is aching for him. But anger is coursing through me too, white-hot and dangerous. It’s not directed at his uncle, though. I don’t give a fuck about him, so long as he gives Cooper back his money.
Behind me, someone grunts. I whirl around. Richard has Blake backed up against the wall, his arm right over his windpipe. “Here’s what’s going to happen,” he says, his voice lethally soft. “You’re going to give my son back every fucking penny you took from him. And once you’ve done that, you’re leaving and never coming back. Stay the fuck away from my children.”
“Dad,” James says. “Dad, don’t—”
Blake shoves Richard back, making him stumble, and cocks his fist. James lunges forward, but before he can intervene, Richard dodges Blake’s punch and nails him in the jaw with his own. His wedding ring cuts across Blake’s cheek. Blake howls, covering his face as he stumbles. Richard just straightens up, adjusting his tuxedo jacket as he examines his knuckles.
“Penny,” James says, pushing me to the door, “go find Cooper.”
I stop in the doorway. “No.”
I look around him at Richard. “You know, you’ve been a shitty dad to him.”
He blinks. “Excuse me?”
Blake, still crumpled up on the floor, laughs. “Oh, this is funny.”
“Shut up,” I snap at him. “You’re an impotent fucking worm and I hope I never see you again after tonight.”
“Holy shit,” James says. He looks a little scared of me, which would please me under other circumstances, but right now, I ignore him, taking a step closer to Richard. I’m getting the drift of how he operates, but what’s the use of love if you’re not open about it with the people you care about?
“All he’s ever wanted is to feel like you cared.”
“I do care.” He winces as he rolls his shoulder. “I would do anything for him.”