Page 6 of Maverick

It meant I was one step closer to leaving Trent in the rearview.


Chapter 3


“Goddamn, that was a long trip,” I sighed as soon as we rolled back into the parking lot of the clubhouse. It was damn good to be back home after a long ride to Northern California for a three-day trip to sell a few crates of guns to a friendly MC. The money was good, but the ride back was exhausting.

“Long as fuck,” Rocky agreed. “Make sure you count the cash before you stick it in the safe. I’m going home to see my woman. And my baby.”

I nodded my agreement. It was Rebel’s job to deal with club finances, but when it came to big cash exchanges like this, we did two counts. “You ready, Rebel?”

“Yeah, let’s get this shit over with. I’m ready to be home. Now.” He shook his head and dropped his helmet on the nearest table with a grunt. “I’ve got these bags, you get the other two.”

“Man, you’re the treasurer, when are we gonna start doing some of this shit digitally?”

He shrugged. “Don’t know. Slate says it’s possible to do it without anyone like the government knowing what’s going on, but you know we keep getting outvoted.” He dropped the bags on the table inside the sanctuary where we held church. “I’ll count first.”

“Sounds good.” I left the cash with him and checked the time. It was after nine at night and I was tired and hungry.

I took a walk out to the bar to grab a drink and something to eat. “Hey, Tess, how’s it going?”

“Good,” she answered with a kind smile. Then her smile faded. “I have a message for you.”

“What is it?” It seemed lately that it was one shit show after another. First it was Robert Carter and then the Red Skulls MC, then Peyton’s stalker. It was always fucking something, which was part of MC life, but it was a nonstop barrage lately. “Tess?”

She poured a shot and slid it across the bar. “Mabel isn’t doing well.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

“Well, all right, but first drink up.” She nodded to the shot of Cuervo and waited for me to throw it back. “Mabel is in the hospital, they couldn’t get you on your cell so they called here. She’s not in any danger, but that’s about all they would tell me since I’m not family.”

“Shit.” I slid the glass back to her. “I got something to do first, but I’ll need another one of those before I head out.”

“Sure thing. I’m sorry about your grandmother, Mav.”

“Yeah, thanks.” I needed to find a solution to Mabel’s health problems. She needed someone to care for her full time, because I’d be damned if I was gonna put her in a nursing home.

Grabbing a handful of peanuts, I wandered back to our meeting room. “You done yet?”

Rebel looked up with a mischievous smile. “Hot date?”

I snorted. “Fuck, I wish. Mabel is in the hospital.”

“Shit, brother, I’m sorry.”

“Me too.”

Twenty minutes later, the cash was counted and recounted, all four times we ended up with the same amount, which meant I was free to go to the hospital to see my grandma.


“I’m sorry, sir, but visiting hours are over.” The nurse was just doing her job, I knew that. But knowing that didn’t mean shit when she stood between me and my grandmother.

“I’m not here for a visit, lady. I need to see my grandmother, I just got back in town.”

“I understand,” she began slowly like I was a fucking moron. “But it’s too late today. Come back tomorrow at eight.”