Page 24 of Maverick

“Mabel,” she trilled with a smile. “You’ve gotten chubby.”


A beat later they both laughed, and Mrs. P made her way to the sofa. “It’s been, what, twenty years?”

“More like twenty-five,” Mabel offered as she patted Mrs. P’s leg. “Good to see you again.”

“You never said you knew each other.”

Both women shrugged.

“We don’t know each other anymore. Life kind of got in the way and we drifted apart.” Mrs. P smiled at Mabel and then me.

“You can all go now,” Mabel offered. “Thank you, Ruby, but we’re a little too old for playdates.”

“Never,” I answered with a smile. “Be back soon, but don’t hesitate to call if you ladies need anything.”

“We have bourbon,” Mrs. P began.

“And leftover tacos,” Mabel finished. “We’ll be just fine.”

With no more excuses, I turned to the impatient faces of Sophie and Leo. “Ready?”

“Yeah!” Leo had so much energy I wasn’t sure how we’d keep up with him at the carnival.

“I’m ready, Mommy.”

The carnival wasn’t packed but there were more people than I expected considering it was the middle of a weekday. “Okay, kids. It’s decision time. Rides or games?”

“Rides,” they chimed in simultaneously.

We started with the teacups and what both kids called the baby roller coaster.

“They look like they’re having a good time, don’t you think?”

Maverick nodded, a small smile curling his lips as he watched them chat together while waiting for the ride to begin. “What do you think they’re talking about?”

I laughed. “I have no idea. They just met and they are literally babies. Probably the state of the world or their favorite tacos.”

“Remember when life was that easy?” he asked, his tone light and casual, but I knew he was burning with curiosity about my circumstances.

“Hardly.” It seemed like many lifetimes ago that I was Sophie’s age, and even longer that I was carefree and happy. “She’s happy and that makes me happy. Kids should have an easy life.” That was my goal, that’s why I was here in Nevada. For Sophie.

“Agreed.” The weight of Maverick’s stare was as heavy as a caress on the side of my face. His curiosity burned and I felt bad for lying to him.

“That was so fun!” Leo’s face was flushed pink, his eyes were wide, and excitement practically radiated from him. “Can we go again?”

Sophie wore an identical expression. “Can we, please?”

“One more and then we move on or else you won’t get to see what other rides are here.”

The kids smiled wide and took off to the line once again, leaving Maverick and me to follow at a slower pace to pay for their ride in tickets.

“What school will Sophie be attending?” Maverick’s question came out of left field, and I froze.

“I’m, uh, not sure yet.” Without ID I wasn’t sure how I was going to enroll her in school. That was something I was still trying to figure out. “I still have time. Why do you ask?”

He shrugged casually, but I wasn’t fooled. “Since she now has a friend in Leo, I figured I could pass your number on to Ellie for pointers.”