Page 14 of Maverick

“She’s my neighbor, or she was. She watched Sophie while I worked, and I ran errands like groceries and picking up her prescriptions. Will that be a problem?”

“Oh, no, not at all,” Mabel assured her. “In fact, I respect the hell out of you for telling me up front.”

Ruby smiled. “Okay. Good. What do you need from me, Mabel?”

While they went over the details of cooking and doctor’s appointments, I went to check on Sophie. “You doin’ all right in here, kiddo?”

She nodded and looked up with a smile. “Yep. Wanna color with me?”

I looked back at Mabel and Ruby in deep conversation and shrugged. “It’s been a long time, so you’ll have to show me how.”

She giggled. “You can’t forget how to color. It’s like riding a bike.”

Sophie was right, and we colored and talked about her favorite things—fairies, bicycles, and cupcakes—and some of mine as well, which included motorcycles, tacos, and music. Eventually, Ruby and Mabel entered the kitchen wearing matching smiles. “Well, what’s the verdict?”

Ruby sighed. “I’m going to head back to grab a few things Sophie and I will need for a few days, and slowly migrate our stuff over since I have a couple weeks left on the lease. Then I’m going to buy some food,” she said as she looked in the fridge and inside the cabinets. “Mrs. P needs food today as well, so I’ll be gone about an hour, and when I get back, I’ll make lunch.”

“Since we need to get to know each other,” Mabel began with a smile, “I’m happy to look after Sophie to make running your errands quicker.”

Ruby hesitated, nibbling her bottom lip as she weighed her options. Thoughts swirled in her head so clearly, I could practically hear them. “Yeah. Yes. Okay, sounds good. Thank you, Mabel.”

“No thanks necessary,” she said, and motioned for Sophie to come to her. “Sophie and I will get to know each other, won’t we?”

The little girl nodded and snuggled in close. “You smell like mint.”

“Sophie,” Ruby chided, and her cheeks turned pink.

Mabel laughed. “That mint keeps my muscles and joints from squeaking.”

“Can I have some so my muscles don’t squeak?”

Ruby and Mabel both laughed, and I kept an amused smile on my face, not just happy but proud of how well this idea was working out. Sophie was just what Mabel needed in her life.

Whether or not that was true about Ruby, I had no fucking clue.

But in time, I would.

Chapter 6


“Okay, girls, and Maverick, lunch is served.” I spent the morning running around, back and forth between my old place and Mabel’s place, which I guess was now our place, dropping off bags of clothes and toiletries, and then the pharmacy and the grocery store. Mrs. P was all set for a couple of days, and she said she was happy about my new job, though she looked a little sad to lose the company of Sophie. She cheered up when I promised to bring her by regularly.

“It smells good, Mommy.”

She’s safe. She’s happy. That’s what I told myself each time Sophie unleashed one of her smiles. Which meant I’d done the right thing, the only thing I could do, really. “Thanks, honey. Eat up.”

“She’s right,” Mabel agreed. “It smells delicious, and it doesn’t taste at all like cardboard.”

I laughed at her praise. “It’s just oven roasted salmon, sweet potatoes, and bell peppers. Flavorful and home cooked.”

“Even better.” She smiled and scooped up another mouthful. “This deserves cookies. What kind should I make, Sophie?”

Her hazel gaze darted to me first for approval and when I gave it, she brightened. “Peanut butter and chocolate chips!”

“All right, let’s call it a plan for after lunch, shall we?”

Sophie nodded excitedly and gobbled up her lunch like the good little girl she was. My heart felt at ease knowing she had more people to love her. It was all I ever wanted for her. For us.