Page 52 of Corrupt Me

“Take the damn money.”

“I would rather not.” I look up when Amiri steps into the room and holds out his hand for the phone. I wiggle it to show that it’s charging, my Alpha moving closer before he bends down in front of me, his gaze locked on mine. His next words are for Teo alone but they give me confidence.

“Teo, I think I warned you about trying to settle this with Camila directly. We were a little tied up in our Omega’s heat so we couldn’t come to the phone. However, I have an opening this afternoon at Temple to entertain your idea of a settlement. Just you. This needs to be just between the parties involved.”

My ex grunts and hangs up as I place the phone back on the dresser. “Sorry. I know I shouldn’t have picked up but he called before church and that’s-”

“You have nothing to apologize about, sweetheart. However, I would love to show him what he’s lost and how to truly pleasure a woman.” My face flames and I remember that I’m naked, again. “Oh, you like that idea. I even know where we can do it. Just beside the cage, to the left of the stage. I want your painting right above us too. Goddess, tell me yes.”

Kolsen fucked me on the second level looking down at everyone. This would be entirely different. I would be where everyone could see but my attention would be on showing Teo that I’m finally happy with someone who isn’t him.

Amiri reaches forward to brush his fingers along his bite on my chest, grinning when I shudder. “How about it, sweetheart?”

“Tell Kolsen to get me another dress like the last one and yes.”

Chapter thirty-two


It’s hard to concentrate when Reid keeps smirking in my general direction after I told him that I don’t remember much of the heat because Sasha bit me. Zana has high-fived Kolsen a few times and Amiri is lurking in the corner, being an anti-social ass. I finally settled on meeting my brother and his pack at the park just outside of the festival grounds, wanting to enjoy the freedom that being outside brought. Even with the finger foods that Kolsen picked up, it’s still a little awkward.

Ethan has been staring at our mother’s urn for the past several minutes, not saying a word until a tear drops down his face. “I’ve missed you so much, Mom.” He doesn’t say anything else as he hugs it to his chest, mumbling over and over again that he’ll protect the urn for the rest of his life. I have no doubt he will. Losing Mom was harder on him than me. His entire support system fell apart. I was still there but mourning her as well, unable to take care of Ethan as much as I could have. “Reid, it’s her. It’s Mom. I can’t wait to tell her all about you and Zana and everything!”

I made the right choice by letting our mother’s urn sit on Ethan’s mantle rather than mine. I don’t mind either. Ethan excuses himself from the table and runs over to Zana, no doubt to show her when Reid taps the table to steal my attention. “So, you were out of commission for four days and come back with two bites, a clingy-ass Omega, and a settlement?”

Sasha isn’t here but I smell like him, my poor Omega refusing to be left at home until Amiri ordered him back to bed. He could barely keep his eyes open but he managed to drag me for another round before we left and demanded that I was only allowed to put on new clothes but not shower. Of course, Reid and Zana would pick up on it.

“We haven’t settled yet. Teo called this morning to threaten me into something but Amiri heard him and so now we’re meeting at the club.”

Reid huffs out a laugh as he picks up a mini slider. “Your Alphas are a little bit terrifying.”

“So is Zana,” I laugh.

“My Alpha doesn’t look like she’ll rip someone’s head off their shoulders for looking at you wrong. Like, do you see Kolsen’s hands? I’m not complaining but those could do some damage.”

“They also can be very gentle and deal pleasurable damage.”

I’ve found my happily ever after. After dealing with Teo, there isn’t anything left to do but enjoy my future. “Amiri is just as terrifying but differently. We went to Dad’s to get the rest of my shit and Dad tried to reach for me. Amiri stepped in and said that the next time he tried, Amiri would render that hand useless.”

Reid’s gaze darts to my Alphas and then back to me, just shaking his head. “Great. So glad that they’re yours and not mine. So long as they keep that happy smile on your face, I don’t really care what else they do.” He pats the table and stands before moving to retrieve Ethan from Zana’s personal space. I have no idea how they work together, their dynamic sometimes almost comical but I love them just the same. Outside of my new pack, they are the only family I have.

And then there’s Violet and Sofie.

Violet messaged they would be coming later but I’m starting to worry about my friends. Sofie has become really quiet and Violet is super protective but I just want to know what is going on and how I can help. When only Violet shows up, her tortured gaze seeking me out, I know this conversation is going to be a serious one.

She slides into the table next to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as I hug her back. “Sofie is an Omega. She presented last night. Fuck, I have no idea what to do.” The faint scent of melons lingers on Violet’s skin and I smile, knowing that Sofie has the best possible support system in the world. “You legit texted you were OOO. Smart move, by the way, and then I picked up a job at an art studio across the city. Yeah, I know your Alpha said I could have a job but I just wanted to do this on my own. Sofie’s been changing though and yesterday her scent came in.”

Violet sits back, her shoulders falling. I survey my best friend, wondering how this is going to change her trajectory. It’s easy to see the feelings Violet has for Sofie and they couldn’t be a better pair but late-presenting Omegas are almost always sent to the Omega Center to search through scent cards. If Sofie’s parents force her to go, there isn’t much Violet can do to stop them.

“How is she doing?”

“Scared. Confused. Quiet. It’s a bit of a rollercoaster. I’m just glad her parents aren’t forcing any changes yet. I think they’re just as confused but also a little too excited about their daughter’s new designation. Sofie hasn’t even processed it but her parents are already planning. I’m not leaving her side. Not until she finds her pack.” Violet isn’t the same cheeky Beta I was working with at the beginning of the week. There’s a protective glint in her eyes.

“And what if you’re her pack?”

“Nearly impossible.”

“Don’t give up. Sasha always tells me that Omegas can be as territorial as Alphas. If she’s chosen you, then it won’t matter whatever Alphas she finds. You’ll still be her Beta.”