Us three have no idea how to be an Omega but I’m determined to make the process as easy as possible for Sofie. She has a support system.
“Everything okay, sweetheart?” Amiri asks as he runs his nose along my cheek. I nod, giving him a small smile before staring at the messages on my phone again.
Don’t worry about it. I got this. You go get dicked and then we’ll all figure it out.
Maybe Sunday?
You going to church?
No, I mean like lunch. I’m not going back there.
Good girl.
I laugh at her response and shove my phone into my pocket, grimacing at the outfit Kolsen stuffed me into. While it can still be considered a dress, the way it hugs my tits and stops just past my ass portrays a very different side of me. When I asked Kolsen why, he just said that he liked looking at them and therefore he should share the view. Amiri says I look like a baby doll and Sasha just started purring like an idiot, saying it was his favorite shade of red.
When we pull up to my father’s house, Sasha explains just why we’re doing it now rather than waiting. “Ames and Kol are more than just protective. They’re also a little territorial, buttercup. They want other Alphas to smell you all over them and vice versa. It’s another sort of claiming and throwing that in your father’s face is probably the most primal thing I can think of without them having a fistfight.”
That’s what I was afraid of. The shower didn’t do much when it came to erasing their scents. In fact, their scents seemed to be stronger after I changed. “Dad’s going to blow a fuse,” I mutter as I slip from the car. Amiri follows me, Kolsen staying in the car with Sasha. I blow out a deep breath and knock, knowing full well I could have called my father to let him know I was stopping by.
As it is, giving him a heads-up meant that he could try to call Teo or any number of other things that my Alphas would react badly to. Amiri rubs up and down my arms before kissing the top of my head. “I want you to speak your mind. Tell him everything you need to say. I will be right behind you the entire time unless you need me to step in.” I can feel his calm control seeping into me, giving me what I need to tell my father all the things I’ve been holding back over the years.
The door swings open, a version of my father I’ve never seen standing at the entrance. There’s dark bags under his eyes and a frailness to him that doesn’t make sense. It looks like he hasn’t been sleeping but that’s not my problem. If he had wanted me to stay, he should have shown me the love I deserved.
“I wasn’t expecting you, Camila. Don’t you have work?”
I snort. “No, Dad, I don’t. Remember when Teo came into my job and threatened Violet and I? We were fired for hiding in the back room instead of protecting the art. I just came back to get my things.”
“Your things?” His voice wobbles, his gaze moving from me to Amiri. My Alpha hasn’t moved in an inch, standing behind me with his hands on my hips. It’s a possessive move on his part, one that I’m grateful for as it’s giving me the courage to stand here. “Surely, you’re not moving out with this… this-” He waves his hand at Amiri, his nostrils flaring from the myriad of scents I’m bringing into the home.
I step past him and then finish his sentence. “Mate. Yes, I’m moving out and living with my mates because they treat me better than you ever have. You’ve never respected my choices, desires, dreams, anything. When I found out you wanted me to be a pack Beta, I knew that you didn’t care about anything other than your agenda.” I take a deep breath, fisting my hands at my sides. “And when you tried to gaslight me into marrying Teo? Enough is enough. I thought you might have learned when Ethan went no-contact. He doesn’t even ask about you. His Alpha does, but never Ethan.”
Tears gather in my eyes as I try to keep a neutral expression. I don’t hate my father but everything he has done since my mother died has only ripped us apart.
He tries to reach for me and I hiss, pulling myself out of his reach. Amiri steps in front of me, his towering frame leaning down the slightest bit to speak to my father. “You don’t touch my mate. Ever. Try that again and I will render it useless.” There’s no doubt in my mind that Amiri will make good on his promise so I jog up a few of the stairs to keep the violence to a minimum.
“You have no right threatening me in my house. I am a man of god and you’ve dressed my daughter like a whore.”
Once again, my father is proving that he’s the worst type of Alpha, man, and father. “Dad, my Alphas didn’t force me to wear anything. I like the clothing just fine. It makes me feel pretty. Also, I am not a whore. I’m just not following your plans and therefore that makes me unworthy.” Amiri steps up to me, his head coming to my chest. I can’t read the expression on his face but he’s letting me make my choice, whether it’s run upstairs to gather my things or say my last piece. “I am perfect just the way I am and it took me a long time but I know why Ethan doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore. Mom would be ashamed of what this family has become because of your actions. I am not something for you to control. I am your daughter. Well, I was.”
Then I march up the stairs, Amiri on my heels so that my father can’t have the last word. No doubt he’ll have plenty of things to say when we come back down, my heart in my throat as my anxiety gets the better of me. Amiri follows silently, watching as I rip through my closet to pack every bag I own. I’m not making multiple trips and I refuse to come back here.
The sound of my Alpha sitting on my mattress draws my attention away from my clothes, a deviant grin on Amiri’s face. Those who don’t know him see a business casual Alpha who finds it awkward to spend time in public. He doesn’t say much when others are around, but his eyes say enough. One of his hands is angled behind him, flat on my bedspread, the other in his pocket.
I frown at him and then a squeak tears from my throat when my ass starts vibrating. “You can’t do that here!” I hiss, trying to stalk over to my Alpha and look menacing while doing it. Unfortunately, it’s more of a waddle as Amiri ups the setting. I fall to my knees and of course, I’m right in front of my Alpha, my head bowed as if I’m going to service him in my room. I grit my teeth together, trying to regulate my breathing so I don’t orgasm while my father is downstairs. “Ames-”
Blindly, I reach for his pocket, trying to dislodge his hand from the button. That just makes it worse, though, as my fumbling has Ames pressing a higher setting. I whimper and then fold against my Alpha, my hips rocking as I try to find my release. “You’re such a good girl, aren’t you, sweetheart? Good girls deserve to come, don’t they?”
Another whimper. “Alpha, not… my father….”
“I’m not sure I like hearing about him when we’re in the bedroom, sweetheart.” The vibration speeds up and I dig my fingers into his knees and bite my tongue. No fucking way is my father going to catch me screaming through an orgasm. I haven’t explicitly set any rules with my Alphas but if Amiri commands me to show him how much I love this, I won’t be able to.
One of his hands slips into my hair and tugs backward, my lips parted in ecstasy, my entire body on fire.
“Give it to me, sweetheart. Come for me.”
A slow whine comes from the back of my throat as I come, Amiri bending down to kiss me. It’s sweet and slow, the vibration dying down until I’m just aware of the pleasure coursing through my body. “You’re a naughty Alpha.” I struggle to stand, righting my dress and then marching my ass to the closet. Amiri had way too much fun with that while I’m trying not to flush red. God, Sasha and Kolsen are going to know the moment I get in the car.
“Naughty, huh? Camila, we haven’t even started. Grab your things. If we have to come back, I’ll send Kol to do it.”