Those are my colors. The ones I persuaded my Alphas to decorate our entire apartment in. Colors that I needed to have on everything. I didn’t know why but they feel like home. And now I get it. Because Camila is home.
She’s our home.
Chapter twenty
Sasha is kneeling before my canvases, head moving side to side as he surveys the abstract designs I spent so much time on. There’s more than I remember and some much darker than others. Art was a way to escape and now is just something of a distant dream. “I’m taking all of these home. Kol, we can hang these in the living room and the nest, right? Fuck, this one is going on my lock screen.”
A nervous chuckle falls from my lips as Kolsen steps up behind me and wraps an arm around my waist. I still as his firm hold tightens and I brace for the moment it becomes too much. I shouldn’t worry though. He wouldn’t hurt me and they know my limits. I settle my hands on the arm across my stomach, drawing comfort from his warmth as I lean back against his chest. “Love, as much as I enjoyed the shock on your ex’s face, don’t ever step between me and a threat again.”
A growl punctuates his words and rumbles down my spine, settling between my legs. “I needed to.”
“I know you did but should something have happened to you, Teo would be in pieces.”
The thought doesn’t scare me as much as it should. My attention flits to Sasha still giggling over my art. I’m not sure what he sees on those canvases. “Why is he acting like that? They aren’t even that good.”
Kolsen leans down over my shoulder, nuzzling against my cheek. “First, learning about you, our mate, is always exciting despite the circumstances. Second, those are his colors.”
“I’ve seen your apartment.”
“No, love, you don’t understand. Sash has been obsessed with those colors for years. They’re everything to him. Everything had to be that aesthetic. He couldn’t ever explain why but he just knew that was what he needed. And it was only certain blacks and reds. Ames and I tried bringing home a few black pillows once and Sash nearly ripped our heads off.”
That sounds a lot like me—I would spend hours trying to get the right color. The red is a mixture of different hues, never something I bought. I would get so angry when I couldn’t recreate it because it was literally happenstance and not based on method. The only response I have is ‘oh’.
“Let’s get you two home. With all your art. I have to make a trip to the station to give an official statement so I’ll check on your friend too.”
“Thank you.” My response is barely above a whisper but it grants me a kiss on the cheek.
Saying goodbye to my boss is bittersweet. She might have been laidback for the most part but destroying the art is beyond forgivable. I would agree with her except for the fact that everything is insured and her employees are fine, without a scratch. Kolsen’s protective hold on me only loosens when we have to get into the car, Sasha fumbling my art into the trunk before dragging me into his lap in the back. “You were gorgeous and fierce back there, buttercup.”
“I’m sorry I called. I just-”
Kolsen meets my gaze in the rearview mirror. “You wanted someone to protect you, love. Don’t apologize for that. Just like I won’t apologize for wanting to do worse to your ex. What did he really do, Camila? He can’t be that angry you rejected his pack Beta proposal.”
I drop my gaze to my lap, fiddling with my hands. No one needs to know about Teo or my father or anything about the church, really. I’m all too happy to just start a new chapter in my life rather than dwell in the past. I also know that by not addressing all the shit that kept me in a perfect little box, I’ll never truly get to experience life the way I want.
“Can we talk about this later?” I don’t want to have this conversation in the car and I don’t want to have it twice either. Amiri is nearly as terrifying as Kolsen when it comes to their ability to see through me and I would rather only explain things one time so there’s only one set of questions. Both Sasha and Kolsen nod as I curl tighter into my Omega’s chest, content to be wrapped up in his arms and his tart scent.
The drive back to their apartment is silent except for the low music playing in the background. I don’t even have time to appreciate it before Sasha is all but carrying me into the building and up to their apartment. Amiri is waiting there and I don’t hesitate to embrace him, my emotions settling now that I have all three mates together.
“Please don’t ask if I’m okay. I don’t know. I just…”
Kolsen steps inside after us, laying my art on the floor. There’s some silent understanding between the Alphas as Amiri wraps his arms tighter around me. “Just glad that you’re okay.” I’m about to explain what happened at the gallery when he just shakes his head. “We can discuss everything later. For now, we’re going to spend a lot of time on the couch watching old movies and eating more junk food than is good for us. Tomorrow, we’ll start all those terrible conversations about what happens next. Sound good?”
I nod, watching as Kolsen drags Sasha in for a kiss that leaves him panting for more. Something shifts, Sasha’s scent clearly a few levels sweeter than before. Those rich green eyes of his fill with desire, a languid smile falling onto his lips. “As delicious as you are, Sash, if I don’t return to the station, we’ll have more trouble than ruining a gallery.” He presses a short kiss to the Omega’s nose and then pushes him down the hall before turning his attention to me. I freeze beside Amiri, unsure of what goodbye to give Kolsen. He’s my Alpha—we’ve all established that part but I haven’t known them long enough to start saying ‘Come back soon, Alpha’ or anything of the sort.
So, in my awkwardness, I stick out my hand for Kolsen to shake. He stares down at it, laughing before he grabs my hand and pulls me into his chest. “I think we can do better than shaking hands, love. What do you think?” A nervous squeak is my only response as Kolsen dips his head to mine, kissing me the same way he did with Sasha. The only difference is the way my Alpha’s hands dip to my ass and pull me even closer, grinding me on his growing erection. “Have fun, Camila. I won’t be gone long.”
Once again, my cheeks are on fire. Kolsen just chuckles as he pats Amiri on the shoulder with a quick kiss on his cheek and heads out. I’m left with Amiri who carts me over to the couch covered in a pile of pillows and blankets. Amiri chuckles as he finds a space beside me. Sasha has disappeared down the back hall, my attention stolen by a firm grip on my chin turning my gaze to my Alpha’s soft ones. “Let Sasha be. Movie days have to be perfect.”
“I might suffocate under all the blankets.”
“He’ll probably make another nest on the couch. He has a few around the condo.”
I frown, wondering why Amiri is telling me this when it clicks. “Is Sasha going into heat?”