“She’s not your mate. That’s bullshit.”
I waltz closer, hoping for a better show. Kolsen’s fingers are digging into the Alpha’s neck, starting to draw blood. Teo is scraping at the hand, wriggling to get free without success. “Threatening an Alpha’s mate is a big taboo or did you not learn that in church?” I’m having too much fun when Teo tries to lunge for me and Kolsen snarls in his face. A whimper comes from the Alpha and I cackle at the absolute horror settling in his expression.
As much as I want to play, I need to see Camila first. Make sure she’s okay. Make sure her friend is okay. Then we can continue until the police get here. I step around the multitude of glass shards on the floor, heading for what looks like the back hall. There are several doors, all of which are closed. So I start trying each one, yelling for my Buttercup until the last one opens and a head of brown hair and wide eyes peeks out. I go to say that she’s safe when she slams into me, wrapping her arms around my waist and tucking her head into my chest.
“I got you, buttercup. You’re safe, okay?” I start petting her hair, purring for her the way I did in the car. It isn’t a sound I make often but I love the way it makes Camila melt against me. Another wide-eyed Beta exits the storage room, throwing me a small smile. “You’re alright?” I ask.
“We’re not hurt. Just some egos and a lot of priceless art. Boss will have a field day. You hiring?” She adds a nervous chuckle to the end but she isn’t joking. I’ll make sure she has a job before the day is out. She helped protect my mate and that’s worth more than gold. The sirens get louder as I pull Camila toward the front, her eyes falling on Kolsen holding Teo against the wall. His snarl is reverberating through the room, Kolsen acting on his animalistic desire and nothing else.
I’m not sure what reaction I’m waiting for but it isn’t the soft smile that spreads across Camila’s lips. “You said I wasn’t good enough to get you banned, Teo.”
Teo struggles against Kolsen’s grip, his face creasing in a mixture of pain and useless anger. “They’ll throw you out when they realize you’re just another Beta. It’s all lies. Just—fuck!”
“What have I told you about disrespecting my mate? You don’t learn very quickly, do you?”
Despite the slight terror, Camila is loving this and her friend has a very similar reaction. I think I’m going to love Camila’s friends—the real ones. Still, I hold onto Camila, placing myself a little in front of her to protect her should Teo slip through Kolsen’s grasp. An unsatisfied grunt falls from Camila’s lips before she tugs me behind her. In any other context, I would comment on her trying to protect me but it’s quite comical having her stand in front of me.
It also gives me a perfect view of her ass so I’m not complaining.
I watch as Camila faces her ex, wondering how truly awful Teo has been to her. She never truly explained the incident from last night and I don’t know anything about their history. I do, however, know Alphas like Teo and I despise them. There’s been enough in Temple that we’ve had to throw out on their ass and call an Uber home for their partner or whoever they brought for the night.
Camila’s friend pats her back and whispers ‘You got this’ paired with a little fist pump in the air. I’m mildly amused by how strong these women are despite the circumstances. My Beta steps forward, straightening her shoulders and holding her head high. “Teo, I don’t know how to make you understand that I don’t want you or anything to do with your pack. Your choices last night were your own. I didn’t throw you out.”
Kolsen twists around, his eye molten black as it settles on Camila. Her entire body tenses as she observes my Alpha and the way he’s lost to his instincts. Teo squirms again, finding some relief when Kolsen loosens his grip just enough for the Alpha to breathe. “You’re mated to a fucking monster. You threw me away and for what? For this? Have you seen his fucking face?”
The temperature in the room drops several degrees as I wait for a reaction from either of my mates. Kolsen has done worse to people who have said and done less than Teo. Camila doesn’t seem like a person who would lash out but in the 24 hours I’ve known her, she’s done a lot of things I wouldn’t have expected. Which is why I’m doubly surprised when she takes another step forward. Her spring scent hardens and I catch the side view of her furrowed brows.
“He’s more of an Alpha than you’ll ever be. You’ve always felt the need to prove something, to be the best Alpha in the room. You wanted to own me while I tried to love you.” Her voice is shaking but she’s not backing down. “You don’t deserve the love I have to give, Teo. You never did. And this-” She sweeps her arms to show off the destruction Teo has left, “Isn’t a way to get me back. I’m hoping today you’ll understand that.”
Kolsen chuckles, a dark sound that rumbles through the open space and straight to my dick. Am I a sick individual to get off on my Alpha’s anger? Probably. “Teo will understand that because he’s going to see a few days inside a jail cell for destroying private property and causing a domestic disturbance.” Teo bares his teeth but Kolsen merely laughs at the gesture. “You are no match for me. Do not push my control.”
“She’s not worth it. You’ll see. She looks and talks and feels like an Omega but she isn’t one. She won’t prop her ass up like one either. She-”
Teo is dead. That’s all there is to it. They’ll be arresting my Alpha on murder charges and we’ll be left watching crime technicians scrub blood off the floors. I think I’m more surprised by the slap that echoes through the gallery, Camila somehow between Kolsen and Teo. Both of them are shocked, a fierce growl coming from my beautiful Beta as she stares up at her ex.
The Alpha opens his mouth to say something and Camila slaps him again. The red handprint slowly forming on his cheek tells me just how much strength she put behind it. Kolsen calmly removes her from the situation, tucking her into his side as two officers enter the premises. Silence filters between us, the officers cataloging the destruction and the situation before determining that Teo is the culprit.
I’m not sure how I would have reacted if they had tried to drag Kolsen in. Teo starts yelling about how all of this is Camila’s fault, my wide-eyed Beta just standing there, staring down at her hand. I can’t tell if she’s surprised at her own actions or she’s terrified of them. Kolsen grunts as he’s pulled away by another officer to explain the situation, Violet happily trailing along to give her account.
Alphas are given a lot of leeway when it comes to their behavior, especially their aggression and their need to control a situation. However, when another Alpha has to diffuse the situation, especially one with a pretty high standing in the community—Teo is going to be shit out of luck. He’s handcuffed and dragged away, Violet following the other officer to give the official statement at the precinct.
My Alpha waits until Teo is out of the building before turning back to us. I have no idea what Camila will do. I warned her about this, how Kolsen would protect what is his regardless of the consequences. He doesn’t approach her, just stands there, waiting for her to react. Once again, her reactions surprise me. She steps up to him, reaching one hand up to the edge of his chin on the scarred side of his face.
“Thank you,” she whispers.
“Protecting you doesn’t deserve a thank you.”
Camila places her hands on his chest before angling her head back for a kiss. He indulges her, nearly devouring her right there before my eyes. I thought I was small but watching her nearly disappear in his hold is giving me thoughts inappropriate for the public. It doesn’t help that his bloodied fingers are now digging into her ass, leaving prints where everyone can see. It’s a claiming all on its own, my scent spiking in response.
The moment is broken up when a slim woman steps inside, fury lighting up her eyes. I assume that’s their boss. Her tall heels crack over broken glass as she surveys the damage, a third officer at her side. She bends down to pick up a piece, scowling at the destroyed creation. “You two have very few responsibilities. One of which was to protect the art. I’ve already told Violet but you don’t bother coming back in tomorrow. A domestic dispute? I had you pegged differently, Camila. I really did. Ezra seems like the kind of father that would have taught you better manners.”
Camila sucks in her bottom lip, eyes narrowing at her boss. I can feel that she wants to speak out, that she wants to explain the situation but she’s too respectful. I’m not, though. “Ma’am, it’s not Camila’s fault that her ex couldn’t take a hint. And protect the art? At the expense of their well-being? That’s a stupid rule, whether they signed that contract or not.”
The lady snorts. “You’re pretty outspoken for an Omega. I would advise you to stay quiet and behind your Alpha. As for the mess, they signed the contract so it’s their responsibility to protect it. I come in, find everything smashed to bits, one Alpha being transported to the station and another one wrapped around my employee. Absolutely not. Not in my gallery. Camila, gather your paintings. You can’t use that room for storage anymore.”
I want to throat punch the woman for the way Camila’s face falls but her boss’ words finally register. “Wait, paintings? You paint?”
Camila hasn’t left Kolsen’s arms, now staring at me. She hasn’t said a word since their kiss and I can’t tell if she’s trying to process the situation or if it’s something else. Camila weathers a small smile before twisting out of Kolsen’s hold and leading us to the storage room. When she points to the canvases in back, the ones slathered in black and crimson, I don’t know what to say.