I’m saved by my Alphas waltzing into the guest bedroom, equally half-asleep. They both look like Greek gods with their chiseled forms and thick arms folded across their chests. It’s the first time I’ve truly seen them this way, a certain air of domesticity running through the room. It’s also the first time I’ve seen Kolsen without his eye patch. I’m not sure what I expected to see but his scar covers that small expanse of skin, his lid permanently shut.
Kolsen’s body tenses beneath my stare as if waiting for me to change my mind. Nothing has changed, though. I’m just truly seeing him for the first time. A few of those scars are on his left side, raised and darkened skin leftover from that incident. I step up to him, running my fingers over the patches, Kolsen flinching with every touch. “You’re still beautiful, Kolsen.” I press a kiss to the one just below his peck and then another to one farther down. I want to kiss every single one but we don’t have time so I settle for pressing a kiss to his scarred cheek.
“Goddess, we don’t deserve you,” he rumbles before attacking my lips. His arms encircle my waist, my Alpha hoisting me up to wrap my legs around his hips. It might be early in the morning but he’s already hard against my ass, Kolsen slipping a hand into my hair to direct my movement. He starts walking until I’m being lowered to the mattress, the realization of what’s about to happen finally clicking.
“Wait!” They all freeze as I scramble to my knees. “I… I have to go to church. I’m 100% on board with what was about to happen but I can’t be late. Not today.”
Kolsen sighs as he sits beside me on the mattress and pulls me into his lap. “You know that Teo is going to be there, right? Why would you want to attend there?”
“I need to say a few things and I need it to be in a public place. I’m not going back. I can’t. Not after everything that’s happened but they need to hear me before I just walk off.” I twist my hands in my lap, feeling embarrassed for an entirely different reason now. I’m ashamed to bring my private problems into this space that is like heaven between four walls. “I need to do this,” I say again. I’m not backing down on that point.
Was rushing to leave before they all woke up a terrible idea? Probably. But I just didn’t want to have to fight them on this. I’m always fighting someone on something—about my desires, ideas, wants, needs. For once, I just wanted to do this on my own. It’s then that I realize I’ve been so used to catering to my father or Teo or a few of my past boyfriends that I don’t know how to lean.
I would have never called Sasha yesterday had I been the Camila from a few months ago.
Amiri steps up to me, crouching so that he’s looking up into my face. It’s a submissive position for an Alpha, Amiri placing a gentle hand on my thigh where my dress has ridden up. “We’re never going to tell you not to do something, sweetheart. You’re not here to be owned or commanded. Those two things stay in a very controlled space that come with safe words and limits. You’re here because you’re our mate and what you want to do is your choice. However, I would ask that you take Kol or I with you. I don’t feel comfortable with you being around Teo after yesterday.”
“You can come.” It’s an easy choice between my Alphas. As much as I enjoy Kolsen’s attention, he’d be the one to finger me through the service. I’m not even sure we’ll be staying long enough to hear the sermon. It all depends on my father’s behavior and what he’s told everyone else about how I supposedly stormed out of the house. That’s not what happened but perception is everything.
My mates start laughing, each of them catching onto my train of thought. Kolsen continues to hold me as Amiri disappears to shower and change, the Alpha squeezing me tight against his chest. “You never have to be afraid to voice your thoughts. Unless they are harmful to you or someone else, we will never bar you from doing it. Your happiness means more than a little discomfort.” He presses a kiss to the bridge of my nose. “You made a good choice in taking Ames, though. I would have absolutely had my fingers stuffed up your tight pussy as you tried not to scream. Goddess, are there pews? I’d love to see you holding onto the pew in front of you, your knuckles turning white as you try to hold back those perfect little sounds you make. Fuck, you sure I can’t go?”
A giggle slips from my lips as I climb off of his lap, pushing him toward Sasha. “Go take care of your Alpha while I steal Ames, okay? We’ll be back before you know it.”
“Gladly. Be safe, buttercup.” Sasha blows me a kiss before dragging Kolsen down the hall.
It isn’t long before Amiri reappears in the same soft stylistic clothing I met him in. The light gray sweater and black dress pants hide the Dom part of his personality. We don’t say much as he leads me downstairs and into the car, the silence comfortable for once. Amiri offers his hand for me to hold onto as we drive, the congestion of the small city loosening until we reach the church.
Violet and Sofie sent a message in the group chat asking if I was showing up with a mate or three. I merely texted back ‘yes’ to let them stew over what I meant.
He parks across the street instead of in the parking lot beside the building. I want to ask why when he turns to me, a serious expression plastered on his face. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I tilt my head, trying to decipher the emotions swirling in his dark eyes but it’s all a mystery to me.
“There’s much we still don’t know about each other and I want to rectify that. You’ve stepped into a very different world with us, Camila. One that I hope you get to explore to your heart’s content. I want you to be comfortable, though.”
“I am comfortable,” I push out immediately. I don’t want any of them to think that I haven’t been. Overwhelmed? A little. But never uncomfortable.
A small smile spreads across his lips as he produces a small box from his pocket. “And I love that, that you’ve found comfort with us. I just don’t want it to get to a point where that changes and you feel like you can’t say something. This is somewhat selfish on my part, Camila. I love the way you melt with us, the way you so eagerly submit, the way you listen to my words.” He reaches over to run his fingers down my cheek, a shiver running down my spine in response. “But I want you to always be able to voice your discomfort or when it’s too much. I will always stop what is going on, whether it is from me or someone else. Always.”
Amiri sees me.
It’s a terrifying thought. I can also see that something must have happened at some point with Amiri that he wants to set something in place so it never happens again.
Both Kolsen and Amiri have been able to gauge my comfort pretty well over the last few days. They let go when I need time to think and decompress. They crowd when I need out of my head. Amiri knew that I needed to see myself as he did after the orgy in the living room. Not requiring a conversation afterward as he showered with me was so I could think through everything.
Kolsen’s observation is more subtle but it’s there. In the car on the way back from the gallery. That moment at the top of the steps the night of Teo’s engagement party.
They both understand that I won’t readily speak to my comfort level. My face is expressive enough but even then, it’s hard to speak up.
Amiri opens the small box balancing on the console, a thin leather strap with a silver chain woven around it staring back at me. It reminds me of Sasha’s collar but this one is much smaller. I swallow nervously, wondering what it’s for. “It looks like Sasha’s.”
“Yes, but it’s a little different in meaning. Sasha’s collar is much like the Alpha bites on his shoulders. He wants to show everyone that he’s been claimed. He wants to feel it. Yours is for comfort.” Amiri gathers the chain from the box. It looks more like a gift to a lover than a collar if I’m being honest. “You don’t voice your thoughts easily, Camila. You do when you’re pushed but I want to know long before then. I want to know before your scent reaches my nose or your face scrunches up. This will let me know when you’re uncomfortable. Whatever we’re doing, you just touch it or pull at it and I’ll know.”
He undoes the clasp and holds it out, waiting for me to present my wrist. He’s giving me an option but I don’t want one. An easy out without having to say a word? This is more perfect than any other courting present Amiri could have given me. I shove my arm toward him, Amiri redoing the clasp. It fits snuggly around my wrist as he turns my hand around so that I can see the top of it.
“So, you’ll just stop? Or remove me when I touch it?” I stare at the silver, wondering if Amiri gave it to me before church so that I could use it if needed. It’s such a discreet symbol of how much he cares for me.
“Anything you need, sweetheart. Is this okay?”
I pull my hand back, surveying the way it glitters beneath the early morning sun. It’s gorgeous and it’s even more beautiful for what it represents. “It’s perfect,” I whisper. Amiri hops out of the car and comes to the passenger side, laying a sweet kiss on my lips before helping me out. His hand encloses around mine, the one with the bracelet, as we walk toward the entrance.