“If you lean over, I can kiss your breasts if you like.”

So calm, controlled, and clinical but with an underlying tension in his silky voice that betrayed his arousal.

I flushed and reached behind myself to unhook my bra. My hands shook too much.

Nino regarded me calmly. “I can use my free hand to unclasp it. It’s my left, so I may take a bit longer.”

I moved closer and he reached up and unclasped my bra after a couple of seconds. Then he dropped his hand again and rested it on his ripped stomach. I lowered my bra. He had seen me naked on our wedding night, but I was still uncomfortable with his calm scrutiny. I had no way of knowing if he approved of what he saw.

“Scoot up,” he said.

I did and knelt beside him. He reached up slowly and touched my shoulder, his palm warm against my skin. He applied the lightest pressure until I leaned down, bringing my breast toward his face. He parted his lips and closed them around my nipple in a delicious cocoon of heat and wetness. I gasped from the sensation and had to support myself against his chest, bringing my breast closer to his face. His eyes seemed to see right through me and knew exactly what I desired as his tongue began to circle my nipple.

It was incredible, overwhelming, and so good.

He settled back and began to leisurely suck at my nipple, tugging, swirling, nibbling until I was sopping wet. I had never been aroused like this, but Nino’s mouth and his intense gaze caused unexpected sensations. I pressed my legs together, feeling like I was going to implode if I didn’t find some relief soon.

Nino eyes were drawn to the movement, but he kept up his ministrations. I couldn’t look away from his face, from the desire in his eyes and the way he lavished my breast.

He released my nipple with a wet sound and exhaled. My cheeks burned. He lifted his hand off his stomach and moved it to my leg then rested it lightly on my knee. I stilled, but my core sprang to life, needy and desperate. I didn’t know it could be like this.

He lay still too, gray eyes tracing my face. “You can lead my hand if you want.”

“What?” I whispered, my brain barely functioning.

“If you would like to have me touch you and give you pleasure, you can lead my hand.”

“But I wouldn’t even know what to do. You are the one who does.”

“I do, and my touch will be very pleasurable, but you are still tense.”

My brows drew together at his confidence. “You are a bit full of yourself.”

He tilted his head with the hint of amusement. “I’m only good at estimating my own talents, and I’m good at giving pleasure.”

“And inflicting pain,” I added.

“That too, but that’s not something you have to worry about.” His thumb stroked my knee lightly. “Why don’t you let me suck your nipple again. You seemed to enjoy that.”

I nodded and leaned forward. He latched onto my nipple, and I instantly moaned. “Now your other breast,” he murmured when I could barely hold myself up above him. I shifted and he circled his tongue over my nipple then sucked it into his mouth while his hand came up to knead my other breast. My center began to pulsate, lightly at first, and then a shudder passed over me, spreading out from between my legs.

Nino sucked my nipple a bit harder. I gasped and felt more wetness pool between my legs as my center throbbed. I froze above Nino, and he released my nipple.

“What happened?” I asked, stunned.

“I think you might have had an orgasm. It wasn’t a strong one, but my sucking of your nipple was enough to stimulate your pussy without friction.”

Heat rose into my cheeks. “Oh, wow.”

Nino’s eyes were intent as they trailed over my chest then lower. “If I touch your pussy, it will intensify tenfold, trust me.”

I regarded him and my gaze darted down to the hard outline of him beneath his briefs. Not giving myself a moment to worry, I reached for him and cupped him through the material. He let out a sharp exhale and twitched against my palm. I scooted down, despite my racing pulse.

Nino was handcuffed to the headboard. It was safe for me.

I was done allowing the past to hold me down. I was done being a prisoner of Durant’s. He was dead. Nino had tortured and killed him for me. Now it was my turn to kill the man’s memory.

Fingers shaking, I hooked them under Nino’s waistband and pulled his briefs down. His stomach rippled with tension, but he made no sound. I didn’t dare look up at his face for fear of losing my courage.

I had seen Nino naked before, but I’d never risked more than fleeting glances. This time I allowed myself to watch his erection as I brought my palms down on his thighs. There was no reason for me to be afraid of Nino’s nakedness. And I wasn’t disgusted by his body, not even his erection, like I had been of Durant’s. Nino was beautiful all over, even with the scars and the tattoos—or maybe because of them. They were part of him, and I couldn’t imagine how he would look without them.