

Savio barged into the guestroom without knocking, pulling up his pants in the process. I stopped and the whore on her knees before me threw a look over her shoulder.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“Your girl walked in on us fucking the whores. She freaked.”

“Fuck. Didn’t I tell you to take your fucking into a room?”

“We were in a room. And why should we hide in our own home?” Savio muttered.

I pulled out of the whore’s ass, grabbed my briefs, and put them on before I followed Savio back into the living area.

Remo stopped fucking his whore when he spotted me. “You stay like this. I’m not done with you,” he growled as he released the woman’s neck, pulling out of her and coming toward me, not bothering to cover himself.

Shards and water as well as blood covered the ground. There wasn’t much blood, though, to have been anything serious. “What happened here?”

“She panicked, fell, and cut herself,” Remo said. “You need to get a handle on her.”

I left him standing there and headed for the master bedroom but found the door locked. “Kiara?”

No answer. I wasn’t sure how badly she’d injured herself. A glass shard could cause serious injuries depending on where it cut. The amount of blood on the ground hadn’t given me cause for worry, but if she’d removed the glass without checking its position, she could bleed out within minutes.

When she didn’t reply after another louder knock, I kicked the door in and stepped inside. The bedroom was empty, so I continued into the bathroom. Blood stains covered the cream-colored marble, and Kiara was sitting on the ground, staring down at herself.

I moved closer. “Kiara?”

I’d seen a similar look on her face on our wedding night. Her past held her in its unrelenting grip once more. Blood covered the inside of her leg, but her nightgown hid the source from my view. I knew she wouldn’t handle my touch well, but I couldn’t be bothered to take that into consideration when she had a wound that needed to be treated.

I bent over her and picked her up. She tensed and made a small sound in the back of her throat but didn’t react otherwise. I hoisted her up on the marble surface of the sink.

“Kiara, look at me,” I ordered firmly, and she raised her eyes to meet mine. She wasn’t as far gone as on our wedding night, but I wasn’t sure what had caused her episode. The sight of my brothers banging their whores, the blood on her legs, or a combination of the two.

“I need to take a look at your wound.”

She blinked at me then gave a small nod, but I wasn’t sure if she’d really registered what I said. Her dark curls stuck to her sweaty forehead. I reached into the drawer and took out a first-aid kit then grabbed a washcloth, soaked it with cold water, and wiped Kiara’s face with it. She shuddered, but her gaze became more focused. I dropped the washcloth and reached for the hem of her nightgown. She seized up and her breathing changed. Fear.

I searched her face. She was watching me with wide eyes, her chest rising and falling fast. She didn’t stop me, however. I pushed the fabric up until it bunched around her pelvis. I could see the top of a glass shard, but with her legs closed together, I couldn’t get a good look. I put my hands on her knees and pressed. She resisted. I could have parted them, but that seemed an unwise choice given her past.

“Kiara,” I said firmly, “I need to take a look at this.”

Her leg muscles softened under my palms, and I could finally push her legs apart, revealing white lace panties and a shard protruding from the sensitive skin on her upper inner thigh. “Lean back a bit.” She did and I propped her injured leg to the side, opening her up.

She sucked in her breath.

“Relax. I’ll take care of your wound, that’s all, Kiara.”

“I know,” she whispered.

I disinfected my hands. The shard wasn’t in very deep from the look of it, but I’d have to feel it to make sure. “This might hurt a bit,” I warned before I felt the area around the shard with my fingertips. She flinched violently, whimpering. I glanced up and saw tears welling in her eyes.

She was very sensitive to pain. I mostly dealt with my brothers or Fabiano when treating wounds, so I hadn’t taken her reaction into consideration. We didn’t have any numbing spray, and Tylenol wouldn’t help with the immediate pain.

“Kiara, I need to remove the shard. It will be painful. I’ll do it quickly.” I didn’t tell her yet that I would still have to stitch up the wound. More bad news after the initial injury.