I twisted around to pick up the pills and glass of water from the nightstand, before handing it to him. “The pills are for any headache you might have, and the water contains essential vitamins and electrolytes so should help.”

He dutifully swallowed the drugs and the enriched water, before handing me the empty glass.


He half smiled before he ducked his head and went quiet for a second or two. “I’m sorry,” he finally whispered, “for leaving the way I did.” He closed his eyes and let out a long uneven sigh. “It’s just, the way you two were looking at each other…and when I heard you say you were jealous, I…”

“You what?”

“I don’t know,” he half huffed, half moaned. “I assumed you were angry with me for getting in the way of you and Gabe…when I wanted to…” He flicked his gaze to Gabe.

“It’s completely understandable you’d both want me,” Gabe replied cockily, his chest puffing up with pride, and his usual arrogance shining through. He grinned when Leo rolled his eyes. “I am in high demand.”

Leo chuckled but stopped abruptly, his gaze flicking between the two of us, as if he’d only now realized our current situation. “Why are you both in bed with me?”

“It’s your stunning personality,” Gabe quipped. “We couldn’t keep away.”

“I was unconscious.”

Gabe’s grin widened. “As I said, stunning personality.”

“You’re an ass, you know that?”

Gabe’s laughter filled the empty corners of the room and broke the remaining tension. “And totally at your service.”

“Leave him be,” I chastised him. “You were freezing and needed to warm up. Using our own body heat amounted to the quickest and safest way to do that.”

Leo mulled over my explanation before he gave a small tilt of his head in acceptance. “I’m warm now though.” He lifted his arms out from under the covers and pushed them down. “Really warm.”

Gabe snuggled in closer. “Yeah, now you’re hot.” He leered, waggling his eyebrows.

“Jesus, do you ever stop thinking about sex?”

He’d spoken the words in jest, but after Leo admitting his reason for leaving, and now how close the three of us currently were, the way our limbs were entwined gave off a distinct sexual undertone, causing the blood to pump harder in my veins and head south with a vengeance.

Gabe’s eyelids lowered, and the expression on his face was pure sex. “Never,” he replied, his voice like warm honey dripping over my skin.

The air around us crackled with sexual tension as Leo’s breathing sped up and his heart began to beat rapidly under my palm where it rested on his chest. Leo haltingly reached for Gabe’s hand. Despite his less than subtle innuendos just now, uncertainty flashed in Gabe’s jade-green eyes, and for a moment I thought he’d resist, but he allowed Leo to grasp his fingers and place Gabe’s hand directly over mine on his chest. Gabe hesitated for a second before sighing gently and applying a small amount of pressure as he entwined our fingers. The low groan Leo emitted travelled straight to my balls, and my own heart thudded hard behind my ribcage alongside Leo’s.

“Stop me if you don’t want this,” Leo told me, causing the air to freeze in my lungs, my mouth going dry, unsure if I wanted this or not, or whether I could take such a massive step after so long. But as soon as I glanced at him, seeing the need burning hot in his eyes, my mind was made up.

“Please,” he whispered, and his desperate tone had the last traces of my anxiety disappearing when he reached for me, his fingers caressing my face before easing me down to his. Tracing his lips lightly across mine sent sparks of energy cascading through my whole body, my cock hardening so quickly I felt faint. I groaned, deep and low as Leo’s tongue slipped out and licked along the seam of my lips. My mouth parted on a gasp, and he delved inside, tentatively caressing my own tongue, the sensation so intense after years of nothing I failed to stop the jerky thrust of my hips against his leg. His answering moan against my mouth only heightened the pleasure.

Pulling away with a final graze of his lips, he turned his head to Gabe, who hesitated again, as a fight I didn’t understand, but could clearly see, went on in his head before he finally gave in, and his lips captured Leo’s mouth hungrily.

Their kiss was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen, watching from so close, as raw and untamed, they ate each other’s mouth. Eventually separating when they needed air, chests heaving as they fought for breath. When Gabe’s smoky gaze looked over at me, all the air left my lungs in a rush. Dark eyes, encompassed by a pale circle of jade, focused solely on mine, lips swollen from kissing Leo, he threw me a look so carnal, a shudder racked my body.

The hand covering Leo’s heart lifted to slide around my neck, his touch burning a trail of fire along my skin. Firm fingers tugged me gently forward as we oh, so slowly, closed the gap between us, and the wickedly sexy smile Gabe gave before his lips crashed down on mine had me groaning loudly.

Gabe didn’t kiss, he devoured. His firm lips captured mine, and I gladly gave in as his touch sent me up in flames. His tongue claimed my mouth, licking, tasting, possessing. I’d never been kissed like it, and something cracked wide open deep inside, as all my pent-up emotions came pouring out. I reached my hand up to slide into his silky-smooth hair and grip tightly, taking over the kiss, my lips hard on his, my tongue in his mouth, tangling with his own. Under us, Leo whimpered, and my mouth was instantly back on his, reveling in the difference between them.

Leo, gentler, more giving. Gabe wanting, taking. I couldn’t get enough.

“Clothes,” I growled. “I need them off.”

Leo lifted the blankets and smirked. “Mine already are.”

Fuck, I’d forgotten.