“Okay,” we agreed in unison.
Gabe released a long, loud sigh. “I’m not sure about you two, but after our group love-in, I sure as hell need something stronger than wine.”
Leo snorted. It wasn’t pretty.
“I don’t have any whiskey, as I can’t stand the stuff, but I think I have some brandy in the hutch.”
I hurried off to the kitchen, rummaging around in the cupboards to find us three glasses. Gabe stepped up beside me, the smell of my aftershave giving him away. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why I liked my scent on him so much?
He hooked his thumb over his shoulder as Leo headed on past us toward the bathroom. “He’s gonna go wash his face. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror above the fireplace, and I thought he might start crying all over again.”
I smiled. “He looks fine.”
“We know he does, but him, not so much.”
My smile faltered. “His stepfather really did a number on him, didn’t he?”
“Looks that way, yeah.”
“I wish there was a way for us to help him somehow.”
Gabe grinned at me. “Already in hand.”
I cocked my head to the side and waited. His grin widened, lighting up his face and making his jade-green eyes twinkle merrily.
Fuck, he was sexy. Leo, too, and they’d somehow managed to unlock a part of myself I thought I’d never rediscover after being with my wife for so long. I’d met Katie in my senior year at high school, the cute girl with the wavy auburn hair and pretty smile. As soon as I laid eyes on her, I never looked at anybody else again. We dated for a while, eventually got engaged, and were married a year later. Except for our last couple of years together, we’d both been blissfully happy.
As soon as I hit puberty, I knew I was different. Where my male friends were only ever interested in girls: face, tits, and ass, I was as interested and got horny too, but the guys on the football or other sports teams also fascinated me. Their muscles, their ass, the bulge in the front of their pants turned me on just as much. After Katie had come along and we got together, I never acted on my feelings for men, but it didn’t mean they weren’t there.
Looking at Gabe now, my heart raced, and the blood rushed through my veins. But the same as before, I wouldn’t act on these feelings. I belonged to Katie, and regardless of how many years she’d been gone, I’d never want to let her down.
“What are you planning?” I asked him.
His eyes twinkled some more. “Well, if you didn’t already know, I have a bit of influence with the owners of the company I work for.”
I smiled at him. “You do, huh?”
He nodded. “I do. I’m going to offer him a job at the firm, and make sure he gets the hell away from his total asshat of a stepfather.”
“Really?” My perception of Gabe shifted once again. “I get you’re part owner, but you can actually do that, get him a job with the click of your fingers?”
He winked and my heart skipped a beat. “I can.”
“Yep.” He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his…well…my sweats, and rocked to and fro on his heels a couple of times. “I’m amazing, aren’t I?” He nudged my shoulder with his. “You can tell me, you know. No need to be shy.”
My heart skipped another beat at the contact. “You’re amazing,” I deadpanned.
He laughed. “Yes, yes I am.”
“What’s so funny?” Leo asked as he reentered the kitchen, his face a lot less puffy.
“How amazing he is,” I replied, which had Leo’s eyebrows shooting into his hairline.
“He’s not lying,” Gabe added.