She sighed her happiness. “I’m so looking forward to seeing my boy get married and start a family of his own.”

Now wait a minute.

“Mamá,” I warned.

“What? I’m not getting any younger, Gabriel.” Oh, I knew damn well who she’d picked that up from.

“Oh, it’s Gabriel now. What happened to my baby boy?”

“We all have to grow up and take on responsibility at some point,” she replied tartly. “Even you.”

I spluttered, unable to respond.

“We’ll see you tonight, mi hermoso chico.” And she was gone.

My beautiful boy.

Beautiful, definitely, but also the luckiest boy alive.


I stood at the kitchen sink, looking out the window at all the activity going on in the yard for the wedding preparations and had to cling to the countertop to prevent myself from fainting. In less than twenty-four hours, I’d have to stand in front of a bunch of people and speak my vows. Not that I didn’t want to commit to the two men I loved more than anything, I absolutely did—with everything I had. It’s just the idea of having to share what I held closely in my heart, with everyone else, in addition to Gabe and Mitch, that gave me palpitations.

Put me in a public court room fighting for the right outcome for my client, and I was in my element. Declaring my love in public, not so much.

Solid footsteps sounded behind me, and I automatically turned in their direction. “Where do you want these?” Mitch asked…well…more grumbled as he held up the numerous sets of clear string lights currently draped over his arms, his adorably sexy scowl making me smile.

“In the barn,” I said, going over to him and looping my arms around his neck to pull him in for a kiss. The scowl immediately disappeared as I took his mouth, his body molding to mine, the lights dropping to the floor, already forgotten as we lost ourselves in the taste and touch of each other.

“Gabriel can’t get home quick enough for me,” he complained, as he ground his hips with mine, getting harder by the second. “This only making love when all three of us are together shit is fine until he’s not around.” He sighed against my mouth. “The sooner he’s here with us the better.”

I totally agreed. Not having Gabe around while he was in New York was akin to torture, with Mitch so close but completely out of bounds.

“You suggested this compromise.” I moaned as his hands slid down to my ass and cupped me firmly, allowing him to rub his hard length over my own.

“Don’t remind me.”

I understood, of course, why he’d come up with the arrangement, and I’d instantly agreed. He hadn’t stated the words outright, but Gabe worried, even now, he’d be the odd one out, and Mitch and I would eventually decide we were better off without him. There was no way we were ever going to let him think like that, so we’d made a pact to keep our hands to ourselves, unless we were all together. Hugging and kissing and making out were fine, but no jerking the other off or sucking or fucking unless we were all together.

It made for an interesting, if frustrating time, waiting for Gabe’s return, but when he did, we had some of our best lovemaking ever. Coming together, reacquainting ourselves with one another’s body after our abstinence, always ended in the most delicious of ways, involving a lot of lube and a whole load of cum.

I ran my fingers through Mitch’s beard. He’d grown both it and his hair longer in the last year and I loved the new look. He’d always be our big and rugged bear, but these recent changes also gave him an edge of danger, and it took all my willpower not to drag him to bed every chance I got.

“He’ll be here soon, and then we can play,” I soothed him.

His answering growl caused my toes to curl and my cock to throb.

After one final, bone-crushing hug and a lingering kiss, we reluctantly parted. “I’ll come help you put up the lights. I just need a couple of minutes to reply to Jackson, and I’ll be over.”

He grunted at me, picked up the lights, and headed out as my eyes stayed riveted to his perfectly round plump ass currently being hugged to perfection in his khaki shorts. I pulled in some more air and willed my body to calm down. I’d be inside him soon enough and waiting a few more hours wouldn’t kill me. Possibly. Maybe.

I’d been surprised when Jackson had made contact after my showdown with Malcolm. I’d expected him to side with my stepfather, take his version of the truth over mine, but surprisingly, he hadn’t. Instead, he’d checked up on me, when he never had before, and asked for my forgiveness for not being there for me when we were growing up.

I’d been extremely wary at first, reluctant to let my guard down, wondering if he’d contacted me to win favor with the asshole and report what we’d discussed back to him. He hadn’t, and over the last eighteen months, we’d gotten closer than we’d ever been. I’d never really considered why he’d left the East Coast to move to Los Angeles. He’d always been so much flashier than me, so I assumed he’d been drawn to the glamourous lifestyle and faster pace, but in reality, the complete opposite was true.

He hated my stepfather almost as much as I did, and bastard that he was, good old Malcom Taylor had also been undermining Jackson as much as me. He’d been playing us both our whole lives, and Jackson had taken the only option open to him—escape—moving to the other side of the country.

His confession made me hate my stepfather even more, and if I thought I could get away with it, I would have murdered the manipulative bastard and disposed of the body. The only thing stopping me were my years in the courtroom, and the knowledge one was guaranteed to get caught in the end.