He pulled away from me and turned, kissing Leo too. “And I choose you,” he said to him. “I choose you both. The only answer I need now is do you both choose me?”

“Yes,” Leo replied without hesitation. He faced me, his eyes on mine. “I’m sorry, too, Gabe. Sorry I took sides when I should have comprehended how doing so would have made you feel.” He swallowed, briefly closing his eyes, his expression pained. He opened them again, fixing his gaze on me. “You always act like you’re so sure of everything, so confident. I didn’t see behind the mask until far too late. I protected Mitch because of his vulnerability. I was blind not to see how much you needed me to protect you, too, how much you keep inside, acting like you don’t care, when you care more than anyone. I love you, Gabe, and hope you can forgive me.”

My heart thumped so hard in my chest at their words, the blood surged through my veins, and I struggled to think. But I had to. Had to decide if I wanted this as much as they did. My worst nightmare came true. What they were asking of me—to commit my heart and soul to them, both of them—petrified me beyond belief.

I’d already lived this life once and had the scars to prove it. Committing to two other men had caused me more hurt, done more damage than I’d ever imagined. Yet here I was, contemplating doing the exact same thing with two different men. But men who made me feel more wanted, more complete, more loved than I’d ever been in my whole life. Why would I not want what they were so honestly offering?


Fear of rejection, of watching them get closer while they pushed me further and further away. But they weren’t the same people as Karl and David. I wasn’t the same person either. I wanted to make this work. Would go out of my way to ensure I didn’t make the same mistakes a second time around.

As Ty had so succinctly explained, I had a choice to make: fight for them or let them go.

I looked from one to the other. Both were so different—one sweetness and light, one a moody grouch. Yet, both were so perfect for me in every single way.

In the end, it was the easiest choice I’d ever made. Raising to my toes and lifting my head, I lightly grazed Leo’s lips with mine, causing him to shake with relief. “I forgive you,” I told him softly, and the instant tears in his eyes made my heart ache. “I love you too, Leo.” He grabbed me, pulling me in for a crushing hug, proving to me exactly how much he loved me back. When he eventually let me go, we all remained silent, the air around us expectant, awaiting my as yet unspoken endearment.

Lifting my hand, I caressed Mitch’s cheek, the hope in his eyes making me bold. “Yeah, okay,” I huffed. “I love you, too, ya big lummox.” His dazzling smile hurt my eyes and made my heart overflow. I was complete. The final part of me slotted into place. “But that doesn’t mean you get your own way all the time, or we won’t argue about stuff.”

“I know,” he answered swiftly. “And I’m prepared to work on our relationship if you are.”

“Me?” I mock glared. “I’m the soul of understanding and compromise.”

His responding deep laugh meant everything.

We stood together, taking turns gazing at one another, enjoying the closeness, the rightness of it all. Letting the love between us settle in and take up permanent residence.

Leo kissed my cheek. “Are you feeling okay?”

It took me a moment to work out what he referred to. I checked my watch: 6:30 p.m. The ceremony would already have taken place. They’d be married by now. Was I okay? My gaze traveled between Leo and Mitch, the two men who’d picked me up and put me back together.

“Yeah, more than okay. In fact, I feel really great!” Moving between them, I took their hands in mine. “And I have a fabulous idea as to how we can make me feel perfect,” I said, leering at them and waggling my eyebrows.

Leo shook his head. “You have a one-track mind, Mr. Sanchez.”

“You bet your damn life I do. And this one-track mind is gonna take you upstairs and show you exactly what it means to be loved on by the best sexual partner you’ll ever have.”

“Hey,” Mitch protested.

“Hmmm, I do love me a challenge.” I leaned into Leo. “What do you say, Leo?” I teased in his ear. “Shall we get naked and take our turn with you so you can be the judge?” His whole-body shudder gave me my answer. “By the time we’ve finished with you, you’ll not even remember your own name.”

“Shit,” he shakily groaned. “But I warn you now,” he husked, “I take a lot of convincing, and you may need to prove to me more than once who’s better, so I can make my final decision.”

Mitch laughed wickedly as he quirked an eyebrow at me. “Best of three?”

I grinned at him. “Let’s make it best of five to be absolutely sure.”

Leo’s tortured moan was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard.



Eighteen Months Later…

Leo’s “Can’t wait to see you” and the clear need on his face on my tablet screen made me smile every single time. This was followed by the obligatory “Drive safely” from Mitch with his usual scowl, which I used to take as him being permanently pissed off at the world. Now that I recognized the subtle nuances of his expressions, I knew for a fact this one was his worried face. He was the biggest softy anyone would ever meet, unless they got in the way of either me or Leo. Then he turned into the big grizzly bear I’d first met, all snarls and snapping fangs.

It never failed to turn me on.