Page 36 of Major


Elena had quickly gotten over her aversion to milk products during pregnancy. She drank three large glasses at dinner, asked for ice cream for dessert, then wanted pudding. Major could only laugh, smiling at his wife.

“Hey, brother. How’s it going?” asked Moose.

“Great, man. Moose, this is my wife, Elena. I think you and Erica were out of town when we got married.”

“We were brother. We hadn’t really had a good honeymoon, so we spent a few days in North Dakota in a cabin on a lake. Peaceful, quiet, and my wife all to myself. Well, her and the baby in her belly,” he laughed.

“I get that,” laughed Major. “Elena, this is Moose, but it might be a good idea for you to know that his real name is Major as well.”

“You’re joking?” she smirked. “Two men on this property with such an unusual name.”

“We have so many people it’s not surprising,” smirked Moose. “But don’t worry. I don’t use my given name. I like Moose better.”

“It suits you,” smiled Elena. “I think I met your wife earlier. You have a daughter and a son on the way.”

“We do,” he smiled. “Never thought it would happen to me.”

“I met her brother as well. He was very kind.”

“He’s, uh, different.” Moose nodded, trying to give his new brother-in-law the benefit of the doubt.

“Well,” laughed Elena, “he was very kind to me and seemed a loving husband to his wife.”

“I’ll tell him you said so,” smirked Moose. “It was great seeing you both. If you need help, brother, let me know.” Major nodded at him, then kissed his wife’s temple.

“Have you had enough, or do you want more?” he smirked.

“Are you making fun of my appetite?” she smiled.

“Not at all. You’re growing a very large baby inside your belly. My baby. If he’s anything like his father, he has an enormous appetite. Anything you want, we’ll get for you.” Elena had tears in her eyes, then shook her head.

“Baby? Elena, what’s wrong, honey?”

“Who made her cry?” came the big baritone voice. “Who made that gal cry?”

“George, I didn’t make her cry. She’s just, uh, crying,” he frowned.

“You made her cry. What did he do, honey?” Elena laughed at the older man, shaking her head.

“Nothing, George. I promise. He’s been very caring and loving. I think that’s what made me cry.”

“Honey why would that make you cry?” asked George, sitting beside her and grasping her hand. He pushed Major aside, letting him know that he had control of this situation now.

“Because as much as I loved my father, adored him. He never showed love and affection to my mother in front of others. I don’t remember him ever asking her if she was hungry or wanted second helpings. I don’t remember him buying her a birthday cake or a gift. She didn’t either, but I didn’t see that. How in the world was I lucky enough to find a man that offers the things that my heart, my soul needs?”

“Oh, honey, that’s a Belle Fleur mystery. Love always finds a way and love always finds its target. At least here. It’s a strange phenomenon, but one we embrace with all our hearts.”

“How can that be, George?” George laughed, shaking his head.

“Oh, it might be faith. It might be magic. It might just be that we have been lucky enough to have the finest men and women on the planet find one another. They were raised in love and faith; they were taught to treat others with kindness first. Until kindness doesn’t work. Their fathers and mothers showed them how to treat their spouses. Either way, I don’t question it.”

“What if he wakes up one day and regrets this? What if he realizes that we barely knew one another when we married and had a child together? What if that’s what happened to my parents? They grew apart, George. My mother regretted having me.”

“Honey, your mama didn’t regret having you. She regretted choosing a man she didn’t love. She loves you. Always has. Just because she didn’t understand you doesn’t mean she’s not still your mama. Do you regret getting pregnant?”

“No! No, absolutely not! I’m thrilled about this. I never thought I would have children of my own. I always hoped, but I just never believed it would actually happen. I’ve loved Major nearly from the moment I met him.”