“They do indeed. Although if you ask them, everyone here belongs to them. They’re extraordinary humans. Unlike anyone you’ve ever met before.”
“Your parents are beautiful. Truly. They’re stunning people,” she said. “I guess that means we’ll have beautiful children as well.”
“They’ll be perfect, just like you,” he said, kissing her.
“I should have trusted you,” she said, turning to look up at him. “I should have called you and trusted that you would do the right thing, that your feelings were genuine. I’m so sorry.”
“We’re not going to talk about that. I should have hogtied you and made you come to Louisiana,” he grinned. “I just preferred to give you the choice. We’re here now, and you and me are going to be Mr. and Dr. Major Carson.”
“Thank you for that,” she smiled. “I think I’m okay with taking a break from work for a while. I really am excited to see what May and Thomas are working on.”
When they reached his cottage, his parents were already seated on the front porch with Walker, Magnolia, Leif, Ellie, and Brix.
“It’s so good to see you!” said Ellie, racing toward her. “I’m so happy you’re here.”
“Me too,” she smiled. “You must be Magnolia.”
“Yes. I’ve heard so much about you,” she smiled. But Elena could see there was pain in her smile.
“Let me get her settled, then I’ll come back out,” said Major.
“No, no,” she said, touching his arm. “I’d like to just sit out here and rock for a while if that’s alright.”
“Whatever you want,” he grinned.
“Well, that’s a sure sign that he loves you,” laughed Walker. “He doesn’t give in to anyone about anything. Stubborn as a mule.”
“Like his father,” laughed Stormy. “But they’re worth it. All of them.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
“I’ve been known to be stubborn as well,” smiled Elena. “When I get into my work, I can’t seem to leave it alone.”
“Speaking of work,” smiled the very handsome man walking toward her. In fact, it was two very handsome men. Both tall and wide, with a bearing that said, ‘I’m in charge.’
“Elena, this is Luke Robicheaux and Eric Bongard. They are our team leaders with Voodoo Guardians.”
“It’s very nice to meet you both. But wait, aren’t you still in the Army?” asked Elena.
“Well, that’s a long story. We all were up for reenlistment, and when Magnolia was taken, Walker asked for early exit, and it was granted. The rest of us sort of followed suit. We’re all retired from the Army and now working with our family.”
“That’s wonderful,” she nodded.
“Do you feel up to a few questions?” asked Luke.
“Of course. I’m so grateful to all of you for coming for me,” she said, nodding at the men.
“Elena, do you remember anything about what your father was working on when he died?” asked Eric. “Anything at all about the dig?”
“Not really,” she said, shaking her head. “I was only eleven, and I was more interested in just digging and discovering something than knowing what I was digging for. Why do you ask?”
“We think that doctor at the hospital was connected to someone who might have wanted information you have on the last dig your father managed.”
“That’s crazy,” she laughed. “That was twenty years ago. That tomb was closed by the government and never re-opened. They said it had no value other than a horrible grave for the men and woman inside.”
“Elena, that tunnel was deemed safe and had been shored up by the engineers just the week prior,” said Luke. The look on her face told him she knew nothing of it. “I’m sorry. But whatever your father was digging for was a joint effort between the Egyptian and British governments.”
“Honey, would you have anything of your father’s that might help us?” asked Major.