The thought thrilled and terrified me at once. I nodded, trying to look like I was ready for this.

His blue eyes slid over my body unabashedly. “Do what you must to escape my grip. Hurt me.”

As if there was the slightest chance that I could. And without a warning he lunged forward, grabbed my shoulders and pressed me up against the cage. Caught up between the cold metal and his warm muscled chest, there was no way I could hit him. I twisted but his hold on me didn’t waver. “Fight, Leona. Imagine I was out to hurt you, out to rape you, out to kill you,” he said in a dark whisper that raised the hairs on my neck.

I tried to push away from the cage again, but there was no way Fabiano was budging. He was as unmovable as the cage.

“You need to do better than that,” he murmured against my ear, then licked a trickle of sweat from my throat. It sent a tingle down my spine. Without warning, he released me and I quickly faced him, hoping he couldn’t see what the gesture had done to my body.

He pushed his hair back, a self-satisfied smile on his face. “Brace yourself. I expect you to do better this time.”

I was on the verge of protesting when he jumped forward. Before I knew what was happening, he’d kicked my legs out under me. I gasped as I fell backward and braced myself for the impact. But it never came. Instead Fabiano’s arm snaked around my waist and he lowered me to the ground. Of course that wasn’t the end of it. He knelt over me and pressed my wrists into the ground over my head. His palm was slippery against my skin – blood. One of his knees wedged between my legs, forcing them apart.

My heart galloped in my chest as I stared up into his face. Was this still a game? He looked so focused and…eager. But then a slow smile spread on his face and breathing became easier. “I hope this wasn’t you really trying,” he said. “An attacker could have his way with you now. It wouldn’t be very difficult to rip your clothes off and force myself on you.”

“You would kill anyone who did,” I said. It was a horrible thing to say. And I didn’t know why I had said it. I didn’t know if Fabiano would go that far.

He lowered himself completely on top of me, and somehow his warm weight felt perfect. “You think?” he murmured. “Why would I do such a thing?”

His eyes immobilized me. I couldn’t say anything for a while.

Suddenly I felt foolishly daring. “Because you don’t like to share me.”

Possessiveness filled his face. He pressed his hips against my crotch, and my eyes shot open wide. He was hard. Heat flooded me. I should have pushed him away but I was too surprised and fascinated.

He bent down and licked my collarbone. “I want nothing more than to fuck you right here in the middle of this cage.”

My muscles tensed up. This was too fast. I still wasn’t sure if I should keep this thing up with Fabiano. And I definitely didn’t want to be fucked in a cage like an animal, even if a tiny part of my body disagreed.

I didn’t get the chance to push him away though because he shoved himself off the ground, and landed on his feet in one graceful move.

I crouched in front of her, taking in the sight of her shock-widened eyes and disheveled locks. She propped herself up on her elbows but made no move to stand up.

Her eyes went to my boxer before she quickly looked away. I knew she’d be blushing if her face weren’t already red from exertion. A thrill went through me, as it always did when her innocence shone through. I straightened and slowly she stumbled to her feet as well.

She was a horrible fighter. It wasn’t in her nature to hurt people. Perhaps I could have pushed her into hitting harder if I’d hurt her. Pain was a strong catalyst, but hurting her wasn’t something I had in mind. I wanted to make her scream but not from agony.

She balled her hands to fists. Her wrists were covered in bloody fingerprints but the gash in my palm was only a dim throb.

“Are we going to try again?”

I smirked. She was trying to escape the situation. I inclined my head, then feigned an attack. She raised her arms protectively and closed her eyes. “Don’t ever close your eyes in front of an enemy.”

She glared at me, and tried to land a hit against my stomach. I sidestepped her futile attempt, and grabbed her from behind. I locked her arms under mine and pressed my hips against her butt. I moved her forward until she was pressed up against the cage and my erection was pressed up against her firm butt. She made a sound of protest. “Fabiano,” she wheezed, anger seeping through. “Stop it.”