“The thrill of the chase,” Remo mused.

I smirked. “Perhaps. Let me have some fun. It won’t interfere with my duties.”

Remo nodded, but there was an intent look in his eyes I didn’t like. “Have fun.” He returned his attention to the bar. “She might be more skilled than she looks. Her mother is a cheap street hooker in Austin.”

What the fuck? I tensed. Her mother was a whore? Was he fucking shitting me? And that Remo had done a background check on Leona unsettled me even more. If something caught his attention that was never a good thing. I shrugged, though I had a feeling Remo had picked up on my shock. He was too damn attentive. That was why he was Capo.

“I don’t give a fuck who her mother is.”

Remo’s eyes bored a hole into my fucking skull.

I stood from the sofa. “I’m going to work out for a while.” Remo didn’t stop the unnerving staring.

I needed to blow off some steam before I went to get Leona. I was on edge. I’d have to spend the next hour kicking the hell out of a boxing sack if I wanted to keep my cool with her.

Dad had avoided me since the incident. I’d heard him return home early in the morning, bumping against walls and smashing his door shut in a drunken stupor, and he was still hidden away in his room when I left for work. But on Wednesday I had my day off, and avoiding me was something he couldn’t do. When he stepped out of his bedroom and shuffled into the kitchen, dressed in only washed out grey boxers and a yellowish wifebeater, he froze in the doorway when he spotted me. He’d obviously expected me to be at work.

“Did they fire you?” he asked uncertainly. I wasn’t sure if it was guilt that I saw on his face. The bruises on my wrist were gone already and so was probably the money Dad had taken from me.

I shook my head as I sipped my coffee. I had hardly eaten anything so far, even though the fridge was for once stashed with food after I’d gone shopping in the morning. “No, it’s my day off.”

“On a day of a big fight?” he asked. “One of the Falcone brothers is in the cage tonight.”

Surprise filled me. “I can’t work all the time.”

Dad sat down across from me. Dark circles spread under his eyes, and he looked like he could use a long shower.

I waited for him to ask me for money. I knew he was thinking about it. He stared down at his hands, then sighed. “I never wanted this kind of life for you. When you were born I thought everything would change. I thought I could give you a good life.”

I believed him. “I know,” I said simply. I knew Mom and Dad both had wanted to be good parents. For a while they had tried.

“Are you home tonight?” he asked. “You could watch the cage fight with me. They are showing it on the big screen in a bar around the corner.”

I wasn’t really in the mood to watch another cage fight but I was touched that he wanted to spend time with me, even if part of me couldn’t help but be wary. And I hated it, hated that I’d learned to be cautious when my parents showed interest in me.

“I’m already going out,” I said carefully.

“You do?” Curiosity flashed in his eyes.

I nodded and stood quickly. I put my cup in the sink, deciding to clean it later when Dad wasn’t breathing down my neck. “I should probably start to get ready.” It was still two hours until Fabiano would pick me up but I wanted to avoid a confrontation with my father.

It would rattle me even more. And I was already on edge because of my date with Fabiano. It seemed less and less like a good idea, but I couldn’t back out now. Perhaps he’d lose interest after tonight. It wasn’t like I had anything remotely interesting to say, and I definitely wasn’t going to talk about my mother. If he knew about her, he’d look at me in a different way. It was always the same.

I dressed in the dark green dress again. I shouldn’t have let Fabiano buy me things. All my life I’d had to work hard for what I wanted. Having for once something gifted to me like that, it had felt amazing. Now I couldn’t help but think of Fabiano’s intentions. Nothing in life was for free. That was a lesson I’d learned early.

I checked my reflection in the mirror. It was finally possible to get a good look after I’d cleaned the thing and the rest of the apartment yesterday. I’d never been into heavy make-up and even for the date, I decided to keep it to a minimum. I didn’t want to appear as if I’d made a huge effort. I put on some foundation and a hint of blush, then brushed my eyelashes with mascara. I reached for my only lipstick, a berry tone that complimented my hair color and complexion perfectly. I paused with it almost touching my lips. What if Fabiano would try to kiss me tonight? Wasn’t lipstick going to be in the way?