“I failed as you can see. Luca didn’t let Aria out of his sight.”

“I figured as much. How did he react to my message?”

“He wanted to tear my throat out.”

An excited gleam filled his eyes. “I wish I could have seen Vitiello’s face.” Remo’s wet dreams probably included a cage fight against Luca. Tearing the Capo of the Famiglia apart would be his ultimate triumph. Remo was a cruel, ruthless, deadly fighter. He could beat almost anyone. But Luca Vitiello was a giant with hands built to crush a man’s throat. That was a fight that would make history, no doubt.

“He was pissed. He wanted to kill me,” I told him.

Remo gave me a once over. “And yet there isn’t a scratch on you.”

“My sister held him back. She’s got him in her hands.”

Remo’s lips curled in disgust. “To think that people on the East Coast still fear him like the devil.”

“He’s a huge, brutal fucker, when my sister isn’t around to keep him in check.”

“I’d really love to meet her. Vitiello would lose his fucking mind.”

Luca would tear down Las Vegas for Aria. Or at least he’d try. But I was uneasy with Aria as a topic. Despite my indifference toward her, I didn’t like the idea of seeing her in Remo’s hands.

Remo looked down at my hand. I followed his gaze and realized I was twirling the bracelet around my fingers.

“When I told you to bring me Luca’s treasure, I meant something else,” he said darkly. I shoved the bracelet back into my pocket. “Aria thought she could soften my heart with it because it belonged to our mother.”

“And could she?” Remo asked, something dangerous lurking in his dark eyes.

I laughed. “I’ve been your Enforcer for years now. Do you really think I still have a heart?”

Remo chuckled. “Black as tar.”

“What about that guy?” I nodded toward the whimpering man, wanting to distract Remo. “Are you done with him?”

Remo seemed to consider the man for a moment, and the man quieted immediately. Finally he nodded. “It’s no fun if they’re already broken and weak. It’s only fun to break the strong.”

He jumped over the ropes of the ring and landed beside me. Clapping my shoulder, he said, “Let’s grab something to eat. I have organized some entertainment for us. Nino and Savio will join us too.” Then he sighed. “But first I’ll have to have a talk with Adamo. Why does the kid have to get in trouble all the time?”

Adamo was lucky his oldest brother was Capo, or he probably would have ended up dead in a dark alley by now. Remo and I went back into the entry area. Adamo was leaning against the bar counter, typing something on his phone, but he quickly slipped it into his back pocket when he spotted us.

Remo held out his hand. “Mobile.”

Adamo jutted out his chin. “I have a right to some privacy.”

Few people dared to disobey Remo, even fewer survived when they did.

“One of these days I’ll lose my fucking patience with you.” He grabbed Adamo’s arm and turned him around, then gave me a sign and I grabbed the mobile.

“Hey,” Adamo protested, trying to reach for the thing. I blocked his grab, and Remo pushed him against the wall. “What’s the fucking matter with you? I tell you again, don’t test my fucking patience,” Remo muttered.

“I’m sick of you telling me to go to school and be home by ten when you, Fabiano, Nino and Savio spent the nights doing all kind of fun stuff.”

Fun stuff. He’d see how fun most of the things were once he was inducted next year.

“So you want to play with the big boys?”

Adamo nodded.

“Then why don’t you stay here? A few girls are coming over in a bit. I’m sure we’ll find one for you who will make you a fucking man.”

Adamo flushed red, then shook his head.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Remo said grimly. “Now wait here while I call Don to pick you up and take you home.”

“What about my phone?”

“That’s mine for now.”

Adamo glowered but didn’t say anything. Ten minutes later Don, one of the oldest soldiers in Remo’s service, picked him up.

Remo sighed. “When I was his age, I didn’t say no to a free piece of ass.”

“Your father set you up with your first hooker when you were twelve. Adamo probably hasn’t even gotten to second base yet.”

“Perhaps I should push him more.”

“He’ll be like us soon enough.” This life wouldn’t leave him a choice.

Soon the first girls from one of Remo’s strip clubs arrived. They were eager to please as always. Not that I minded. I’d had a long day and could use a good blowjob to get rid of some of the tension. I watched through half closed eyes as one of the girl got down on her knees in front of me, and I leaned back in the chair. This was why the Camorra would overrun first the Outfit and then the Famiglia. We didn’t let women meddle in our business. We only used them for our purposes. And that was something that would never change. Remo was never going to allow it. And I didn’t give a fuck. I jerked my hips up into the willing mouth. Feelings had no place in my life.