I will. Remember, we only want what’s best for you. Keep up the good work, darling.
Throwing my phone down next to me, I groaned. “Parents.”
Aria’s mouth twisted. “What now?”
“They apparently found out that I’ve been speaking to Roman. My dad didn’t seem too concerned, not after I insinuated that Tristan was the one I was interested in, so whoever gave them the information couldn’t know very much about the situation. I just need to be really careful.”
A throat cleared next to my ear, and then a head dipped down, a swift kiss brushing over my cheek. My gaze flew to Katy and Will, but they were thankfully oblivious, too engrossed in their game of chess. Relaxing, I turned to smile at Roman, who was sinking down next to me, and then Knox, who threw himself down onto the rug, stretching his legs in front of him with a groan.
“Nice hoodie,” Roman murmured with a smirk. I glanced down at myself.
“Someone lent it to me and never took it back.”
“Someone thinks you should wear it all the time.”
If only. I probably shouldn’t even wear it around the school in case it gave anyone ideas, but it was probably safe enough in here. I was feeling a little better after the text conversation with my dad, and I was sure Tristan wouldn’t mind being used as an excuse if necessary. He’d surprised me—there was more to him than appeared on the surface.
“Mmm. It is very comfortable.” I shifted closer, Roman eyeing me with amusement. “What are you doing here, anyway?”
“We got out of our class early, so we thought we’d come and—” He glanced at the TV screen. “—beat you at Mario Kart.”
“I didn’t think this through,” Aria cut in as she threw controllers to Knox and Roman. She pointed between me and Roman. “You and him means me having to spend more time around the gods. At least the head boy isn’t here this time.”
“We’ll wear you down.” Roman shot her a wink. “We’ll even let you win this game.”
She snorted. “I don’t need any help to kick your ass. Let’s do this.”
Aria was in the middle of getting our third game set up when everything went wrong.
“Whose hoodie is that?”
I squeezed my controller, the hard plastic digging into my palm, refusing to look at the three girls who had just entered the common room.
“She was cold. I lent it to her. What’s the problem?” Knox drawled from his position on the floor, his expression icy as he stared Freya down. Next to her, Penelope’s lips were pursed, her eyes closing as if she could wish herself away. I knew the feeling.
Freya placed her hands on her hips. “Why did you give her Roman’s hoodie? Why not yours?”
He rolled his eyes. “None of your fucking business. Move, please. You’re blocking my view of the TV.”
She huffed, moving to stand at the side of the sofa next to Roman. “Roman. Why?”
“She was cold, and he helped himself to my shit. You think his girlfriend wants to see another girl wearing his hoodie? Me? I don’t give a fuck. Don’t read anything into it.” Roman’s words were dismissive, and if I hadn’t known how he really felt about me, I might’ve believed them myself.
Freya had no response to that, taking a seat on one of the other sofas, along with Penelope and Harriet. I sighed. There was no point in me staying here now. I rose to my feet, throwing the controller to Freya, who caught it, her eyes wide.
“Your turn to play. I have homework to do.” Roman and Knox both ignored me as I lifted my hand in a wave and then escaped the common room. But when I got back to my dorm, throwing the hoodie down on the end of my bed, I received a text.
You look fucking hot in my clothes but even hotter out of them
Can’t believe you left me here with Freya. Now I have to play nice so she doesn’t get suspicious
I know what you’re thinking and I’m not flirting or doing anything to lead her on. You’re the only one I want
I know. This whole situation is so messed up. Sorry