"I'm not insane. I just know that the best ideas come when I'm having fun. Plus, it deescalates. I've been a cop's wife for too long,plus a celebrity, and going in aggressive usually isn't the best choice."

"No?" Piper raised her brows. "What's the right choice, then?"

Kitty grinned. "Pretend we're drunk and we have the giggles. It'll get him totally off guard and then we can attack him when he's not looking."

"Drunk giggles? You want us to fake drunk giggles? That's insane?—"

The trunk flew open, and Piper found herself staring at the man she'd almost married.

His face was chiseled and model-worthy, his muscles sculpted, his blue eyes blazing. But as she stared into them, she saw that they were cold. Ice cold. No warmth. No laughter. No vulnerability.

Nothing like Declan, who was so full of warmth and depth, even though he'd hidden it for so long. How could she ever have thought Declan was an anti-social grump? He was vibrating with passion, unlike Clark, who was…just…a lump.

"Whoohoo!" Kitty tumbled out of the trunk and landed on Clark's foot. "That was fun!"

Piper bit her lip as Clark looked down at Kitty, a surprised look on his face as Kitty wrapped herself around his leg and began singing the newest Taylor Swift song.

Her voice was stunning. "Holy crap, Kitty. Your voice is amazing!"

"I know! I'm a star!" Kitty sat up and leaned against Clark's leg, belting out the next verse.

"What is that? What is she doing?" Clark kept staring at Kitty, and Piper realized that Kitty's plan was working.

Clark wasn't a hardened criminal. He was a stupid, arrogant jilted man who was jealous of her new fiancé, and therefore susceptible to manipulative ex-pop stars with as much sass as sense.

"That's Kitty Jones. She's famous."

"I know who she is. That's why I brought her." Clark stepped back and pulled out a gun. "Both of you, on your feet."

Piper froze, her heart stuttering. "Since when do you have a gun?"

"Get out of the car, Piper."

Kitty stopped singing, and she scrambled to her feet. "Guns are dangerous, young man," she said. "Put that away."

Clark pointed the gun at her. "Get in the house. Now."

Piper gripped Kitty's arm, squeezing it, begging her not to get herself shot. "Let's go, Kitty."

"Party time!" Kitty burst into more songs, and she started dancing her way through the garage.

There was no way Piper could do that. No way she could fake being oblivious, drunk, and dumb.

She'd spent her life disempowering herself and running away, and she was over it.

Instead, she shoved her hand in her pocket and wrapped her fingers around the ball, then turned to face Clark. "Kidnapping us is a felony. Jail sucks, Clark. I know that. You don't want to wind up there."

He narrowed his eyes and walked up to her. "You humiliated me, Piper. Dumped me at my wedding. And then you got engaged to acop."

Piper stiffened and pulled her shoulders back. "You don't get to have me, Clark. You hit me."

"Once! One fucking time! I made a mistake!"

"No." Power was coursing through her, power she'd never felt before in her life. The power to stand up for herself, to finally understand herself. It was so clear what Clark was. She saw him now. He was just a bully, and he'd swept her into his web because she'd been too afraid to stand on her own.

Not anymore.

"Look, Piper." He softened his voice. "I told you I'm sorry. Let's try this again. We're good together. You know we are."