"Are you?"

Declan tightened his grip on his phone as Piper and his mom neared. "I gotta go. Keep me posted."

"Will do." Dylan didn't even hesitate at the change in subject. "See ya."

Declan shoved his phone in his pocket and stood up as the women approached. "How'd it go?"

"Great!" Piper's eyes were sparkling. "I loved her. She's wonderful."

Kitty beamed at him. "Piper is fantastic. She lights up the world."

Declan smiled. "She does," he agreed.

"If Piper were a singer, I'd sign her to a contract immediately," Kitty said. "That kind of passion, fire, and talent is the secret combo to success." Kitty turned to Piper. "I loved how you toldher that your schedule was filling up and you needed an answer tonight. Well done."

"Thanks." Piper grinned. "I didn't sound desperate?"

"You sounded confident. I loved it." Kitty looked at her watch. "We have ten minutes until the next one arrives. I'm going to run to the ladies room. Piper?"

"I'm all set. I'll meet you in the café in five."

"Ah…" Kitty looked meaningfully between them. "You want a little private time with Declan. I get that. See you in a minute, my darlings." She blew Piper a kiss and then headed down the brick walkway, pausing to chat cheerfully with the landscapers, as she always did.

Declan watched her go. "Thanks, Mom."

She was already through the doors and didn't hear him.

Piper touched his arm, her face glowing. "Thank you so much for calling her. It's amazing what having her recommendation does. I don't have to prove myself. My capabilities are assumed, and all I have to do is show up and be me. Plus, your mom has amazing ideas!"

Declan grinned. "You're welcome." He paused. "I can see your passion," he said. "This is your dream. I understand now. It lights you up."

Piper nodded. "It does. I want to be the creator of fairytales. It's my gift."

"I can see that." He paused, Dylan's words gnawing at him. "You know, with my mom's help, you may not need someone else's business to get clients. Maybe this is the break to go out on your own."

She stared at him, and there was no mistaking the longing in her eyes.

"Maybe go into business with her," he suggested. "With my mom."

"Holy crap." Piper said. "That's a great idea. You think she'd do it?"

"She likes to invest in women, so yeah, maybe."

"Kitty!" Piper whirled around and raced into the club. "Kitty, wait."

Declan shoved his hands in his pockets and strode after her. His mom and Piper going into business together? It was a brilliant idea. It would probably work.

But putting his mom and Piper together?

He'd felt Piper pull away from him from the moment he'd suggested it. The idea made her powerful and independent, and she wouldn't need him anymore. Not for her career, and not even for support. Fake fiancé job over. She'd have it all. Hell, she would even have a mom to do the business with. Kitty was his mom, obviously, but he could tell she'd already claimed Piper.

What did that leave for him? What would Piper need him for?


Which meant she had towanthim.

But she didn't. Not for the full ride, at least.