"My whole life, I've dreamed of weddings, of that fairytale, of giving women what my mom never had," she whispered through the tears. "But I think I also really wanted it for myself. I didn't want to be strong and independent. I wanted a prince charming who would take care of me, but you know what?"

He moved his hand and began rubbing circles on her back. "What?"

"When you want someone to take care of you, you make stupid choices, like the three men I almost married. There's no way to have it all. I just…" She sat up, forcing herself to hold herself up. "I just need to do it by myself. I can't lean on some man because then I'll be trapped like she was. I have to do it myself. I have to, because she couldn't." She stood up, surprised to find her hands were shaking. "It's fine. It's fine. I know today is Sunday and I don't have any clients, but I'll find a way. I always do. Because my mom was tough, and she taught me how to be tough, and?—"

Suddenly she was crying too hard to talk, which was super annoying because she didn't want to waste time crying.

But she was doing it anyway.

Declan stood up, pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently, slobbery tears and all. "Piper, you're an absolute freaking badass. Your mom would be so proud of you."

"She wouldn't! She would be sad, because I'm still not free, and I'm about to fail. This was our dream, Declan. Hers and mine. And I'm about to fail completely."

"You're not going to fail."

"I know." She lifted her chin, wiping her cheeks. "I'm not. Because the only way to fail is to give up, and I'm not giving up. I'm giving up men and getting married, but I'm not giving up on creating the life I promised my mom I'd lead."

He watched her thoughtfully. "What about Maddie? Or the other Harts? Their weddings would put you right back in the game."

"No. I won't use them that way."

"They love you?—"

"And I love them too much to use the most important day of their lives for my own advantage." She turned away. "I'm going to get back on the internet. I'll find more people I'll?—"

He caught her arm. "Piper," he said softly. "You're a treasure. You have the biggest heart full of love and courage. You don't need to spend your life trying to fulfill your mom's dream. All she wanted was for you to be free to make your choices, not her choices."

She stared at him. "You're trying to live your dad's dream."

Something flashed in his eyes, but he ignored her statement. "Your mom's dream was freedom for you," he said. "Not necessarily to be a top-level wedding planner, right? That was simply the path she saw, but it's the ending that matters."

Piper shook her head. "It was our dream. We were going to do it together. All of it." She stepped away and sat down on the bed, wrapping the comforter around her. "I'll think of something." But what? She'd worked so hard all week.

"Can I help?"

She looked over at him, and suddenly she wanted to cry again. "I can't ask for help."

"You can." He walked over and then crouched in front of her, his hands on her knees. "Piper, getting help from others doesn't take away your freedom. Sometimes, it's necessary. I want to help. You matter to me."

She heard the earnestness in his voice, and realized he meant it. She did matter to him. Her throat tightened again. "Thanks," she whispered. "That feels good."

He smiled and rubbed her thighs. "Is that a yes? You'll let me help?"

She sighed. "Only because I'm down to my last twelve hours, and you look so good without a shirt on."

He laughed. "All right. I need to make a call." He pulled out his phone and dialed, winking at her as a woman's voice answered. "Hi Mom."

Mom? He'd called Kitty? She shook her head.

He ignored her. "Piper needs your help. I'm going to put her on." He held out his phone. "You're family now, Piper. Let my mom help."

She put her hands behind her back. For heaven's sake, they were already lying to Kitty about being engaged. She couldn’t use that lie to get her help. "No, I can't?—"

He put the phone in her hand and walked out of the room.

Damn him. See? This was why no good ever came from getting married. Men were a pain in the ass.

"Piper? Are you there? Piper?"