He paused, surprised by her comment. She thought that kiss had been for show? It had been his undeniable truth breaking free of his control. "It probably helped back him off," he said, evading a direct answer.

He'd promised her no emotional involvement, but he was long past that. The question was how long he could hide it from her.

Aiden had been right. Declan wasn't built for casual. He was built to go all-in, and he'd thought he had only one chance in this life.

But by some incredible gift, he had another. He wasn't going to blow it this time, at least not yet. He had to give Piper space. He knew it. But,hell.Tonight had nearly undone him.

Piper put her hand on his thigh. "You're bouncing."

He stilled his leg. "I'm restless."

"I can see that." She studied him. "I was scared in the hotel, but the minute you got there, I felt calmer. I feel good now."

She was resilient as hell. He loved that about her. "Good. I'm glad I can give you a break from being scared."

She scooted closer to him. "How can I help you? Is it your past that is getting to you?"

Fuck. She was so close, and she smelled so good. He didn't lean in toward her. "No."

She raised her brows. "No?"

"It's not my past. It'syou, Piper. You're the one in danger, and you're in danger because I asked you to help. I'm on full alert to keep you safe. It's about no one, but you." His voice was raw and rough, deeper than he'd intended.

She put her hand on his face, and he sucked in his breath. "Declan," she said softly. "In case I forget to thank you later, thankyou for coming tonight. Thank you for rushing out of work, for kissing me like a madman, and for staying here with me. This is obviously more than a fake engagement situation, and I want you to know that I realize that, and I appreciate it."

He put his hand over hers, holding her palm to his cheek. He didn't give himself permission to respond, because what he wanted to say would break the rules he'd agreed to, and it would scare the crap out of her. "I'm glad to do it," he finally said.

Glad to do it. What kind of platitude was that?

"Do we stay up all night, then?" she asked. "Like the movies?"

He managed a smile. "No. I'm too old to stay up all night now. I'll probably fall asleep and shoot myself in the foot. Dick isn't going to come with me here. We'll lock the door to your bedroom. It'll be fine."

"And tomorrow?"

He shrugged. "I'll be your shadow until we figure out what is up with Dick. Dylan is working on it, so my job is just to keep you safe." He grinned. "Apparently, I'm a very devoted fiancé with no life except to follow his gorgeous woman around."

She raised her brows. "As it should be. Women rule the world."

"Agreed." He realized his leg was bouncing again. "To bed, then?" The moment he said it, heat poured through him. He might not be able to tell her what he was feeling, but the bedroom was a place where he didn't have to hold back with her. Passion? Heat? Love?

He could channel all of it into his lovemaking.

Mischievousness flashed in her eyes. "On one condition."

He leaned in, need pulsing through him. Need to get close to her. To hold her. To lose himself in her. "What's that?"

"You have to kiss me like you did at the bar."

Heat flashed through him, and he grinned, a slow, pleased grin. "You liked that, did you?"

She slid her arms around his neck. "I really did."

Hot damn. "That's just the start, sweetheart. I can level up from there. You want hot? I'll give you hot."

She grinned. "I want hot. Really, really hot."

"Then you shall have it, my dear."