Declan's gaze found her immediately, and relief flooded his face when he saw her. He strode across the floor, and didn't stop when he reached her. He simply grabbed her around the waist, hauled her against him, and kissed her like a man who wanted the entire world to know that he claimed her, that he was protecting her, and that anyone who wanted to hurt her would have to go through him to get her.

It was arrogant, testosterone-laden, and raw, potent fire.

She knew he was kissing her for a purpose, and not because he actually was desperate to kiss her, but that didn't matter.

It was a kiss that broke every single shield she had against him.


This was what he was good at.

This was his zone of genius.

But when Declan walked into Piper's kitchen after patrolling her property and ensuring it was safe, he felt like he was in quicksand.

She was sitting on her couch with his dog, her feet tucked under her and her arm around Angel. She'd ditched her dress in exchange for jeans, sneakers, and a sweatshirt, and she was holding a can opener in her lap.

A fucking can opener.

Because no one was going to get to her if she had a damned can opener.


He hadn't been able to stop looking at her, touching her, kissing her since he'd walked into the Diamond Plaza Hotel ballroom and seen her sitting at the bar with Tori.

The drive to the Diamond Plaza Hotel had felt like the longest fucking drive of his life. The images going through his mind had been graphic, shit he hadn't seen in his head for years.

When he'd seen her, all he'd been able to think about wasgetting to her. Touching her. Kissing her. Reassuring himself that she was safe.

He was completely fucked.

He'd already known he was falling for her, but when he'd gotten that text, the fear that had gripped him was like a punch in his gut. And his heart.

Piper looked over at him. "Everything okay outside?"

"Yep." He shut the slider and locked it, then pulled the curtain closed and set the alarm. "You sure you want to stay here?"

Lucas had taken Maddie, Keira, and Tori to a hotel, and he was staying with them until they figured out if Dick was going to target them, but Piper had wanted to come home, and Declan had gone with her. Obviously. "We could at least stay at my house. I have a better security system there. And a shower that isn't ripped up."

She shook her head. "This is my home. I can't let him drive me out."

"I know. I get that." Declan walked over and sat on her coffee table, facing her. His gun was in a holster on his hip. It had been years since he'd worn his gun. It felt weird as hell, and, at the same time, it felt like home. "I made a couple calls to former associates to see what they can dig up about Dick. Dylan is doing the same."

Dick had disappeared when Declan had shown up, which had probably been good.

Declan hadn't been in a frame of mind where seeing Dick would have ended well.

Piper took a breath. "See, so we're good."

His jaw flexed, and she could feel tension radiating off him. "I don't like this."

She leaned forward and put her hands on his thighs. His pulse jumped at her touch, and he had to fight to stay still.

"Thank you for helping me," she said. "I know you don't want to be here."

"I want to be here. I just wanted it to be under differentcircumstances." He looked behind her, checking the slider, his gaze then sliding to the windows. On maximum alert. Every muscle in his body was taut, every nerve firing. "Men like Dick are bullies. He doesn't want to deal with me. I don't think he'll try anything with me here. That's why I parked my truck in front."

"And why you kissed me like you owned me at the hotel."