Tori raised her brows. "Sweetie, we've known each other since we were all broke and living in a loft together. I know when you're tossing out a bunch of lies."

"I agree," Maddie said. "Talk to us, babe."

"It's just work?—"

"Liar." Keira shook her head. "We've seen you work-glum for the last year, and this is different."

Piper looked around at her friends. "The truth?" She sighed. "Telling Declan I wanted only empty sex hasn't worked out that great for me."

Maddie burst out laughing. "No shit. Really?"

"That's so weird," Keira said. "Most women really thrive when they ask a hot, charming guy who likes them to put those emotions away and just have meaningless hammertime instead."

Tori was openly laughing. "Babe, you need love so much that you got engaged to Clark. Why would you think that you could have naked time with Declan and not care about him?"

Piper couldn't help but grin. "It seemed like a good idea. I was starting to like him and?—"

"What?" Keira hurled a napkin at her. "Shut up! You're falling for him?"

"I knew it!" Maddie clapped her hands. "I opened the floodgates for love when I got engaged to Lucas. Yay!"

Only Tori didn't laugh. "That makes sense, then," she said. "You don't want to get trapped like you did with Clark, but if you like Declan and then he likes you back and starts being a decent guy, then what defenses do you have?"

"Exactly!" Piper sighed. "He's not nearly as grumpy and irritating as I was expecting him to be. He's really messing with my plans."

"Men will do that," Keira agreed.

"Sometimes, it's all right," Maddie said. "I wasn't ready for Lucas, but it turned out great."

Piper looked at Maddie desperately. "That's what scares me. I thought you were going to be single forever, and Lucas came in and he changed everything for you. I don't want that, and Declan…" She paused. "He makes me want it."

Understanding filled their faces. "Terrifying, huh?" Maddie said.

"It's not just that." Piper bounced her foot restlessly. "I've made such stupid mistakes in the past when it comes to men, and I don't trust myself. I have to focus on my career, and not get trapped again."

There was silence for a moment, then Tori frowned. "Mistakes, plural? Who else besides Clark?"

Maddie looked away, not letting on that she knew about Piper's past, but suddenly, Piper was so tired of hiding. Declan hadn't judged her, and he had every reason to.

These three women were her heart. Why had she spent so long hiding from them? "I was engaged twice before. I bolted both times."

"What?" Tori's eyes widened. "When?"

"Back home." She took a breath. "And I grew up in a family of drug dealers. Gamblers. My dad's in prison. My brothers were in and out. I have scars from being shot."

Maddie smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up.

Piper took a breath, and she felt like a thousand pounds of weight had fallen from her shoulders.

"Shot?" Keira said. "Like, with a gun?"

"Yes." Piper shrugged. "Twice."

"Damn, girl," Keira said. "You're a freaking survivor. To make it all the way from that world to this one? I'm so impressed."

A warmth settled in Piper's chest. "Thanks. It's been a long road, made easier by you guys, of course."

Tori frowned. "Why didn't you ever tell us this before?"