He clasped his hands behind his head and regarded her thoughtfully. "Can't."


"Because we had sex. And we had dinner with my mom. Those two things make an indelible mark on a person. I see you as a human being, one that I like. Plus, you helped me save a woman. Again, bonding. And my dog likes you, which raises your likeability even higher."

She glared at him. "Why are you being like this?"

"Because—" He paused.

"Because what?"

"I don't want to fall for anyone either," he said, after a pause. "After Diana, I was done. I've been done for a long time. But you make me want to live again."

Oh, no, no, no, no. She was not taking responsibility for his well-being. "Because I'm great at sex," she said, trying to keep the conversation light.

He studied her much too intensely. "You are great at sex."

"Right. So are you. What a team." She was feeling so restless, so vulnerable, so on the verge of saying and feeling things she shouldn't. "Look, Declan, I'm just…I want us to not get emotionally involved. Can we do that?"

He pursed his lips. "You want us to keep having sex and being fake engaged, and friends, but not be emotionally involved?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"No emotional involvement?"


He studied her, and for a moment, she thought he was goingto refuse. And if he did, she would have to cancel their deal, because she was already in over her head…and over her heart. She needed boundaries.

He finally raised his brows. "You realize that's the stereotypical dream of every man, right? Great sex with fake emotional commitment?"

She relaxed into laughter, relieved by his response. "I'm highly sought after by amoral jerks everywhere. It's really a glorious life I lead."

"I bet." He cocked his brow. "Lucky for you, I'm emotionally unavailable for life, but willing to keep my adorable, fake fiancée sated sexually."

She grinned. "You're such a good guy."

"Right?" He leaned over her and gave her a wicked smile. "How about I show you exactly how great of a guy I am?"

Desire coiled in her belly, a desire that was light and free, not weighed down with obligation, fear, or emotion. Just fun anticipation. "That sounds like a great idea?—"

He cut off her sentence with a kiss designed to set her on fire.

And it did.


Declan was an hour into Thursday night's shift at the bar when Aiden leaned over the bar. "Declan."

"What?" He didn't look up from the beer he was pouring. He was on edge, and it was taking all his discipline to stay focused, to not snap at the patrons. Usually, idiots at the bar didn't bother him, but tonight, every word was getting to him.

"Take a break."

"I'm fine."

"It's not a choice," Aiden said. "Take a break."

Declan looked at his friend. "I'm fine."