"Twice?" His brows went up. "Who else?"

"A guy back home. I was running away from him when I left, as much as my family."

He stared at her. "So, you're a two-time runaway bride?"

"Three actually. I was unofficially engaged to Nathan Hold when I was seventeen, but then he got arrested for stealing a car and that was that. Didn't last long."

Declan started to laugh. "You're a three-time runaway bride?"

"It's not funny."

"It's a little funny."

She poked him in the chest "It's not at all funny."

"It is." He caught her finger. "You can't see that it's a little funny? And when we break up, it'll be the fourth time. That's practically all-star status."

"Oh, God. I didn't think of that." She grimaced. "Let's get married and then divorced. That might be better. I'm in the business of having weddings actually happen, not breaking off engagements." Crap. She hadn't thought that through.

The smile dropped off his face. "Married?"

Her heart started fluttering at the serious look on his face. "I was kidding. Clark showed me I'm never getting married. Don't look so scared."

"I'm not scared. I liked being married. Until I fucked it up."

The raw, vulnerable weight of their conversation seemed toclose around her. This was so much more than a fake relationship kind of discussion. They shouldn’t have had sex. It was impossible for her to remain emotionally distant after great sex. And apparently, he was having the same problem, which made for even more trouble.

Getting emotionally involved didn't serve her. It made her make stupid decisions and almost marry terrible, awful men. The part of her that didn't agree with being alone and single forever was trying to get all soft and mushy about Declan. That part of her loved how he was being vulnerable about his marriage, and protective about her. That part of her wasn't thinking strategically, and it wasn't keeping her own well-being in mind.

Declan sighed and brushed his hand through her hair. "You look terrified, Piper."

"I am."


"Because this whole thing between us—" She gestured back and forth. "—it wasn't supposed to be anything more than a fake engagement. We weren't supposed to have sex, or have conversations about anything that matters."

He caught her hand. "So, we became friends. That's okay."

"But we had sex. That's different than friends."

"Friends with benefits. There's actually a name for it."

How did she say it? How did she admit she was falling for him? She'd basically told him, and he still didn't get it. Probably because he was so far from falling for her that it didn't even cross his mind. Oh, God. Embarrassment flooded her. What was she doing? She was being an idiot. Doing the same thing she'd done three times before, and falling for a guy when she shouldn't.

This time, she wasn't going to make the mistake.

This time, she was going to realize it first.

She took a breath. "I'm not going to fall for you."

He raised his brows. "I'm very fall-able. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

She glared at him to keep her snicker at bay.Stay focused, Piper. "Your ego is unmatched. It must be great to be you."

"It is when I'm lying here with you."

"Don't!" She hit his chest. "Just don't be like that. I'm not falling for you, but when you make adorable, sweet comments like that, then I want to, and I don't want to, so you can't be like that. You need to be the grumpy, distant landlord again."