He chuckled. "That was my goal, of course."

"It worked, but I'm not happy about it."

"If it helps, your story about your drug-dealing family knocked me right off my self-righteous platform."

She grimaced.Crap.One night of mind-blowing, fake-fiancé sex and she was spilling secrets she'd protected for seven years? "Yeah, about that. I know that as a cop, it's probably an issue hanging out with a woman with a background like that, so it's cool if you want to call off our deal. I just ask that you don’t tell anyone?—"

"It's not an issue."

She closed her eyes, her chest tightening. Dammit. She hated how happy she was that he didn't care. "You don't need to lie to me?—"

"It's not worth it to lie," he said. "I don't give a shit about your family's activities. When I was younger, I might have been spouting some high and mighty ethics, but life is so much more complicated than that. You're you, the woman you are right now, and I like her."

The tension that had been gripping Piper for so long, for all the years she'd been here, suddenly loosened its grip. She'd hidden her truth so carefully for so long, it suddenly felt like she could breathe, not having to hide it from him. "I've never told anyone except Maddie," she said. "I've been so sure that I'd lose everything I've worked for if people knew my past."

"Honestly, some of the clientele you serve would probably care, but I think you know by now I'm not like them."

"But you're a cop. And you're from this fancy world. So it would make sense that you would care about my family."

"Well, now you know I don't care."

Dammit. Why did that feel so good? Their relationship wasn't even real. Why did she care what he thought about her? She had to stay focused on the big goal, her career. She rolled over to face him. "You promise you won't tell anyone?"

Declan frowned. "Yes, but you don't need to be ashamed. People who know your value won't care."

"I'm not ashamed. I'm strategic."

He raised his brows. "That's what you call it?"

"Yes." She lifted her chin. "I need to impress the ones who don't know my value, who would care. So, my past has to stay invisible. It's what makes sense."

He sighed. "It's bullshit to fake who you are to impress others. It's not a way to live."

She stiffened at his high and mighty world view. He was a man from money. He could never understand where she was coming from or how important it was what other people thought of her. "It's my way to the career I want. And I'm notfakingwho I am. I'm just keeping my irrelevant past on a need-to-know basis, and pretty much no one has a reason to know. Even you, but you got me mad enough that I told you, which puts you in the doghouse, to be honest."

He grinned unrepentantly. "You're interesting when you're mad at me. I learn all sorts of stuff about you. Like the can opener. Your family history." His smile faded. "Your ex."

Crap.She'd been hoping he'd forgotten about that. Didn't the man forget anything she wanted forgotten? His mind was like a freaking steel trap. "You can let that go, thanks."

"Don't think I can," he said. "I'm an alpha male, which means I get protective. You're my fiancée, and that makes me get itchy when I find out a guy has been abusive?—"

"I'm your fake fiancée, and it was one time, the day before our wedding." She cut him off. "Look, Declan. I don't want to be protected. I don't want to be obligated to you. I just wanted to get my career sorted out so I can move to New York and?—"

"New York?" He let out his breath. "Right. I forgot about that." He rolled onto his back and clasped his hands behind his head. "You're moving to New York."

"Well, not yet, but hopefully soon." She felt his withdrawal, and had to fight not to scoot across the bed toward him. "Declan, I appreciate your support. I do. But I don't need it, and I don't want it. I just—" She paused.

He turned his head to look at her. "You just what?"

"I just want to be free to live my life."

He narrowed his eyes. "How are you not free?"

"I don't know. I just felt…I mean…you got all protective of me. And I was feeling weird when I thought you were in danger. I just think…maybe we're too compatible to be fake engaged. I mean, what if I start to like you? The sex was great. Maybe it's too great."

Declan stared at her as if she'd lost her mind. "Are you falling for me?"

"What? No!" She snorted. "That's ridiculous. The last thing I want is a relationship. I've been engaged twice, and that's enough. I certainly don't want anything real with us."