Real alarm shot through her. If Dick came for her, it wouldn't be a stray bullet that got her, like last time. It would be a bullet with her name on it. Or a knife. Or whatever it took to get her to reveal where his wife had gone.

Her heart started racing. She yanked her sneakers on as she heard the front door close.

Had that been Declan going out, or someone else coming in?

Angel was on her feet now, watching the door alertly. She hadn't taken her gaze off it since Declan had gone outside. Did she hear someone, or was she just looking for Declan?

Piper pulled on a sweatshirt, locked the bedroom door, then went to the window. She slid the curtains aside and peered outside. It was dark, and the outdoor lights were on. She couldn't see anything.

What if Declan got shot? What if Dick found Declan first and realized that Declan had been involved as well?

Fear shot through her, startling her at its intensity.She cared if he got shot. More than because he was a human being. Because it was Declan out there.

Suddenly, for the first time, she understood what Kitty had been talking about. The fear of being married to a cop and wondering if every day he was going to die.

She hadn't felt fear like this since she'd left her family. The rawfear of violence that she wouldn't see coming. That he wouldn’t see coming. That could tear her life apart again.

Movement caught her eye, and she looked again. Someone was moving in the shadows, along the side of the walkway. It was too dark to tell if it was Declan.

Fear gripped her, and panic closed around her throat.

She yanked the curtain shut and backed away from the window, looking around the room. Angel hadn't moved from the door. Piper had to distract herself or she would freak out.

Take action.

"Angel. I don't like you being the first line of defense," she said. "I don't want you getting shot for me."

Angel whined and thumped her tail, but didn't give up her vigil.

Piper looked around the room, then grabbed a lamp, unplugged it, and flattened herself against the wall by the door. If someone came in, they'd be looking at the dog, not her. It would give her time to hit them with the lamp. She preferred throwing can openers from a distance, but she had to protect the dog, so up close and personal it would be.

"Ready," she whispered to Angel. "Let me know if a bad guy is coming."

Angel didn't take her gaze off the door, her big ears perked and listening.

Piper watched the dog as she waited, her heart pounding.

"I forgot how much I hate feeling unsafe," she whispered to Angel.

The dog didn't even acknowledge her. She was standing stiffly now, her gaze riveted on the door.

What did she hear?

Piper leaned her head back against the wall, watching the dog closely. Angel would tell her before someone reached the door. Angel would know what or who was on the other side of the door. If it was Declan, or if someone had gotten past him.

"This is not okay, Angel," she whispered. "I can't handle this."

Angel ignored her, clearly quite able to handle it.

Dammit. This was all supposed to be behind her.

Twenty minutes later, Declan paused on Piper's front step, doing a final scan of the night.

The evening was still and quiet, with the only sounds being ones that belonged in the night. Crickets. Bats. Owls.

Whoever it was had left.

Declan hadn't gotten an ID on the intruder, but he'd seen their silhouette. Not enough to even identify the gender or size, but enough to know that a person had been skulking around his property.